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Sporty jetting

The stock setup with the existing needle with no drilling just works! ...the #4 washers richen the mixture a wee bit faster improving response. Did not "play around" figuring the Glider did not get his nom' de plume out of "thin air"...and of course the carburetion when properly jetted #46 and #185 in there, my lil' hog screams like a greased pig...(me in chorus behind the wind screen).:newsmile075:

NEWHD in simple English What is the French just curious trying to broaden my horizons:D
Jack you need to get out and about a bit more in english its pen name

Only took French one year in grade school, figured I would try to appeal a bit to our global friends, clumsy as I am...

"Nous faison plus poure vous satisfaire" (We try Harder!)...

LOL Its okay Jack, in any lanugage HD V-TWINS translate just fine, we only have to look and listen...! :D
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Only took French one year in grade school, figured I would try to appeal a bit to our global friends, clumsy as I am...

"Nous faison plus poure vous satisfaire" (We try Harder!)...

LOL Its okay Jack, in any lanugage HD V-TWINS translate just fine, we only have to look and listen...! :D

ThanksNEWHD, I thought I was missing something LOL How do you say that in French?:s
I thought I would post the results of this project with everyone. I installed the short shots last nite, removed carb this morning and cleaned everything up. Installed a 48 slow jet and a 180 main jet, used the needle that came with the Keihin kit. I set the idle mixture screw at 2 turns from bottom and warmed up the bike. I followed the procedure from the self help section to dial in the idle mixture and it purrs! Thanx everyone for your input. By the way if you have put off changing or shimming the needle in your carb because of the diaphram don't sweat it, it's really not that hard to do.
That is awesome to hear because i was looking at putting in carb kit from Kliene, but I had decided to put a different kit in.
Hey, the French do have a lot going on, some may not agree, but the language is "elegant" and they certainly have a different twist on things for better or worse...

And 2006FXDCI you are totally right, the cure is quick and not THAT daunting, even for us new proud owners of these great bikes...enjoy the ride, your on your way to many smiles per mile out there! :D