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Shocks for '96 sportty



Have not done much research on this looking to modify or replace the shocks on my sporty to help accomodate for two bigger people . Anybody have any info on this and is this an expensive venture?


In my opinion, you will get the most "bang for the buck" with Progressive 412's - get the version with the heavy-duty springs. I have them on my '03, and am very pleased with their performance.

Hi Johalber,

I work for the German company Wilbers Products GmbH and we are an suspension expert for more than 20 years. As I'm not allowed to advertise here, I just stopped by to tell you that maybe we might have an alternative offer.
All our shock absorbers for example are custom made to exactly meet your personal requirements such as weight and riding style without extra charge. On shocks, we offer 5 years guarantee!

In case that you would like to know more, just contact me by PM, ok?

Sorry for the advertising, just wanted to help!

Take care,

Hello Dirk,

Glad to see staff Wilbers Company join us here,why you are not give us preview from your personal opinion about your company product on Harley Davidson Product Review forum,so we can have more information from individually staff and then if we interested we can buy it and use on our bikes :D

Hello again and sorry that I answer so late. We had a big trade fair in Dortmund last weekend so pre- and after preparations were quite busy. I will gladly give you some overall information about our products. I will use the link AoXY provided... Once again, sorry that it took me so long for an answer.

Have a great weekend,

I have the progressive 412's which I paid around $330. I installed them myself without too much problem. I bought them so I could ride 2 up and have been satisfied with their performance so far. I am going on my first 200+ mile ride tomorrow and will post if I have any problems with comfort.
