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Seat Issues

sons of anarchy

New Member
Ok guys, I need your input on this. I have a bad back and the stock seat on my Heritage is about to cripple me. After 70 miles, I am toast. Now, I went the Mustang seat route on my Sporty, and it wasn't much better and granted, we are talking about a Sporty. A few of my fellow HOG members are raving about this company out of Maiden NC called Mean City Cycles. These folks supposedly have the magic formula and re-upholster your stock seat with memory foam and according to my members, they have died and gone to heaven. Can anyone give me any feedback on this company and do they really make a difference? Thanks
Have you tried a back rest? I have a bad back also and found a back rest helped a lot.
try an "airhawk" seat cushion. you can adjust the amount of air inflation to suit your comfort. j&p cycles stocks them. they are kind of pricey, but they work.

mike m.
SON, still working throu prob. seems a seat that moves you forward, and bars that let you set more upright combined with backrest is whats good for the busness. risers might change things enough. get comfy in the saddle,(upright), then see if you can reach the bars wity out leaning forward, elbows bent about like in your car. i think you can meet all these needs with the right
I spent 30 years as a pole climber for the local cable company, Needless to say my chiropractor and I are very good friends. Two things that help me, first get a good alignment from a chiropractor as that will reduce the stress on your muscles. Second try a support belt, I use a Back-A-Line belt. I had a backrest on my Softail and it helped a lot, but by wearing a support belt I haven't needed one on my touring bike, even on seven hour days.