free website stats program running lights shold be on if on dimms or brights? | Harley Davidson Forums

running lights shold be on if on dimms or brights?


Active Member
My side front lights on my roadking (the white ones alongside the headlight) are on when I dimm my headlight and off when on brights is this wrong or right? I get high beamed when I switch to dimms alot. My commute to work is in the middle of the night 2am I pass alot of cops and have never gotten pulled over but I wonder? By the way I love my headlight on the roadking when they give me the brights I give them back and it don't take long for them to go back to there dimms that bright will light up a football field it sure beats the old ironhead sporty headlight when I was riding it back and forth to work I was lucky to see the road right in front of me!!
It's right fearless. Mine are on on dipped and off on main beam, the manwell confirms it as well.:56:

English Mike
The high beam is fine but the low beam gets me flashed alot at night so I was thinking they should be off on low beam, I will leave them as is thanks for the link in case I get an itch.
The high beam is fine but the low beam gets me flashed alot at night so I was thinking they should be off on low beam, I will leave them as is thanks for the link in case I get an itch.

"OFF" on low beam meaning turned off ? There's a switch down on the steering head nacelle to do just that, I'm sure you are aware of that. You can also re aim the driving lights which I feel is why you get flashed at night, they are probably high and shining into the oncoming traffic.

To re aim the passing lights you have to drop the directional markers with the removal of the two allen bolts in the top of their base facing upwards. A long "T" handle allen wrench works well here. Once you drop them , you'll find a 9/16 nut on the base of the driving light stem in there with the wire going through the center of the mount post. I cut a slot in a deep 9/16 socket so this wire can pass through the slot and you can get the socket on the nut properly (see pic below).

Loosen the nut just a bit and adjust the passing lamps to a more desirable position. I use the horizontal bars on the garage door to do this and aim them close to the low beam shining on the door.

It's best done at night so you can roll the bike onto the road to test their positioning before putting things back together.

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