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Road Etiquette

I usually wave and or nod. If I am going slower on a 2 lane road than the biker behind me and there is no room to pass I move over to the far right side of the lane and wave for them to pass in my lane. They usually give me a good sigh when they go by. This seems to work for me.
Always give a wave but never expect anything in return, I'll pass in a manner that I would not have an issue with others doing to me.

Never pass strangers in a shared lane even if invited to do so. I find that if I expect the unexpected I reduce the number of surprises. Cynical? well I prefer to call it cautious, something I didn't use much in my youth. :D

I rarely have an issue but have had the unexpected happen occasionally.
I usually wave and or nod. To all riders dont always get one back but oh well have fun and ride :D
They're out's real bad at any big rally. I'd rather deal with rude bikers than young teenage drivers on cell phones.
You said it! I am afraid that if anything id gonna do me in "out there" it's NOT going to be a rude biker but more than likely a yammering teenager on the cell phone who isn't going to see me!
I have found a solution to the cell phone commandos. I have a cell phone jammer that I use both in the car and one my bikes (sportbikes and harleys). It jams the cell frequencies and terminates any calls when they are within 150' of me.

Nice! I looked into those, but they're illegal here in the U.S. with some pretty hefty fines if they catch you with one...the operative word being "if " they catch you.

The legality part is the first thing I thought of, too. Plus I'm not sure how much of an advantage jamming cell phones really is. In a way, it just distracts them even more as they try to figure out what just went wrong with their precious phones and attempt to redial or send the text again. It's simply another huge hazard to our riding safety we have to account for. And it will be until some high up, muckity muck politician loses a loved one to a cell phone commando and government and law enforcement get serious about banning it.
Use of mobile phones are illegal here in the UK but I see more than ever using them whilst driving. Maybe jammers should be standard fitting for vehicles?:bigsmiley4:
The legality part is the first thing I thought of, too. Plus I'm not sure how much of an advantage jamming cell phones really is. In a way, it just distracts them even more as they try to figure out what just went wrong with their precious phones and attempt to redial or send the text again. It's simply another huge hazard to our riding safety we have to account for. And it will be until some high up, muckity muck politician loses a loved one to a cell phone commando and government and law enforcement get serious about banning it.

AMEN to that! To suddenly loose contact on thier lifeline, would be traumatic and unnerving. Many would devote 100% concentration on the phone and be a much bigger hazard than if they were only 80% distracted. :newsmile055:
Here in British Columbia, Canada they have just banned the use of any "hand held" device while driving. This includes GPS, Ipods etc. You can use a cell phone but it has to be hands free and must be activated with one button push. Fine is 100.00 plus and you also get 3 points against your licence if you are caught texting. Still see the morons doing it especially young women.
Use of mobile phones are illegal here in the UK but I see more than ever using them whilst driving. Maybe jammers should be standard fitting for vehicles?:bigsmiley4:

I think you have something there. I know from personal experience in the past that having a converstion even with a hands free unit still takes your mind off the drive and the road. I have one in my cage which has been gathering dust for a long time. I wonder sometimes about the wisdom of blue-tooth units in the lid for taking phone calls. It's bad enough being distracted with a phone conversation in a car - but on a motorbike????:newsmile070::shock