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Ride or Trailer to Sturgis?

There are a few reasons why you WOULD want to trailer...
1. You want to bring along too much camping gear.
2. Bad case of hemorrhoids.
3. You don't care about about what others say & want the air conditioning escape option or have the need for electrical power at your campsite, since you can always bring an inverter or generator, which will probably just (edit)your neighbors.

For the best experience, I'd say ride it. If you need lots of camping (edit), tow a small trailer behind the bike.

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IMO, to get the most out of the trip riding is the best way to go. But, if someone wants to trailer their bike that’s fine with me. I think way too much is made out of the fact that some people trailer their bikes. What difference does it make?? It’s their bike, their money, their time. I’m more interested in the folks riding or driving around me being safe than whether they are trailering a bike somewhere.
I've driven out there and past many of the places that have been mentioned throughout this thread, and while driving I saw a lot of people riding, it really made me wish I was on a bike, so my suggestion would be to ride it.
If you have the time .... RIDE. Rode there last year solo from central Fl. Had a great ride and experience going up. Rode over a 1,000 miles while there seeing all of the sights. Friends there that trailer all wished they had ridden. I rode back thru Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and along the gulf coast coming home. The west is just beautiful and the riding is just unbelievable. You won't regret riding there and back .... so get your patch you want! I rode mine to Sturgis 2008.
I trailered mine in '07 because I wasn't phsycally able to ride that far,(from NJ'), got hit by a cage in May, broke 7 bones. But this year I'm riding, by myself. I feel it's something I have to do at least once in my life. Good Luck and ride safe.
As they's not the destination it's the journey. If you can take the time to ride there do it. It will be one heck of an adventure