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Removing scratches from windshield

Stock Harley windshields are hard coated polycarbonate. Abrasives strong enough to polish a scratch will eat away the coating. The spot will look like peeled skin after a sun burn.

Novus Polish Kit, Plastic Polish Scratch Remover, 8 oz: Automotive

Product Features
A complete system for scratch removal and surface restoration
For plastic, acrylic and fiberglass
Three separate plastic polishing formulas
Includes non-abrasive polishing cloth

I have used it and was very happy with it. It worked for me.

Novus products work good on minor scratches and help to bead water when it rains, depends on how deep the scratch is Good luck
Micro-Mesh (trade name) is used by aircraft mechanics to remove scratches/hazing in aircraft windshields check Wag Areo's web site or Aircraft Spruce&Speciality..
The Clearview windshield guy says to remove swirl marks and light scratches to use Plexus #3 to start with. Then follow that with Plexus #2. He recommends putting the Plexus on and slow buffing with a rotary buffing pad. He stresses that you must keep moving or you will burn the plastic. When done use a clean, soft old t-shirt and Pluxus #1 to clean and shine.