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Pitted Aluminum wheels

Need a fix for this problem, any help? polishing on the bike how to?:bigsmiley20:

If they are really pitted, you are going to need to do some work, cause the clear coat is probably damaged. Just had to have all 4 of my Jetta's wheels polished and re-finished thanks to a defect in the BBS wheels, that VW refuses to admit (plus the car is now 8 years old).
I agree with Hobbit. Now, if the wheels are polished alum (no clear coat), then you could try Meguires Hot Wheels polish first. It takes alot of elbow grease, but might help some. If they are/were clear coated and the pitting is through the clear coat, then you may need to follw bwalsh22's process (take them somewhere to get them redone).
Me and a mate had the same problem and used a product called brasso they sell for polishing copper fixings, that should do the job with 100 grade wool and plenty of time and elbow grease, and a heap of cans of GUINNESS!
polishing always goes faster when you have a beverage or 12 :cheers
The beverages are a given and I have used Brasso before, it's just the work thtat bothers me. I like the thought of getting some one else to do it. thanks to all.