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PGR members question

There are a thousand questions that could be asked. Bottom line is any PGR business should be conducted after the mission. Mission first.

I'm a retired vet, and I go on PGR rides. I tend to agree with you. On the other hand, I can see taking advantage of the gathering to sell PGR stuff but at the right time. For example, during flag line would not be too good. Did they actually sell on the flag line or in plain view of the family and guests? It needs to be discrete. It could be done before or after the flag line and cemetery, or out of the main view, so PG riders can buy stuff during breaks. The rally point before hand would be the very best place like you said if they rally. If everything is done discretely, then no harm no foul, and I wouldn't get bent out of shape about it.
I'm a retired vet, and I go on PGR rides. I tend to agree with you. On the other hand, I can see taking advantage of the gathering to sell PGR stuff but at the right time. For example, during flag line would not be too good. Did they actually sell on the flag line or in plain view of the family and guests? It needs to be discrete. It could be done before or after the flag line and cemetery, or out of the main view, so PG riders can buy stuff during breaks. The rally point before hand would be the very best place like you said if they rally. If everything is done discretely, then no harm no foul, and I wouldn't get bent out of shape about it.

The guy was walking around the churchs parking lot waving a large patch asking in a loud enough voice to call attention to himself.

After getting a couple of e-mails chastising me for voicing this I no longer ride with the PGR. I respect those of you that do but I cannot stand by and watch this type of disrespect happen and be a part of it, that is to say guilty by association.

Too bad Joe, sorry to loose you as a member and supporter.

Was this an isolated incident or is this something that happens at every mission in that area? I know it wouldnt happen at the ones I attend. I understand your feelings and what you wrote in your last sentence. I just cant imagine that this is a common occurance.

Personally, a one time thing wouldn't keep me from attending other missions. I've seen a few RC's that are Vets and kinda Gung-Ho and think they're still in the military, but it's tolerable if I remind myself why I'm there
The state captain spreads his blanket on nearly every mission, something I never liked, but he never "hawked" his stuff.