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Patriot Guard Ridership Up!

Done - Oooorah!

On there I am Mad Dog Jim - Most recent member of 222,929.

I ought to change my user name here too some day, if I can, or if I'm smart enough...
I hate having to remember who I am on these things.
Thanks Tank but I figured it out. Sent a ticket.
Was going to buy a couple arm bands on the PGR site, but I think I'll hold off till I hear from the Washington boys.
Thanks for the hat advice. I am looking forward to helping the PGR. That "1" water bottle rule could be tough on a 115 degree Arizona day.

Right on! My old man and 4 of my uncles were on convoy support until the Sullivan Brothers incident. Navy split up all the brother teams and dad ended up driving an LCT at Omaha. It was a mess! Not a real high survival rate. .... .... .... ...

I'm still on the bubble for joining PGR just because I don't want to commit and not be able to make them all. I'll keep thinking about it. Definately a worth while thing though!

Guys to be clear you could carry more water with you or even strap on a canteen belt. The ride captain told us to carry one with us so I just went with that. Also to be clear each ride captain bends some of the rules that I have read on the internet site. Like on my first mission we held the flag upright in our left arm, and presented salute (on command) with our right hand as the casket passed. Vets salute, non-Vets put their hand over their heart. I'm pretty sure I read on the PGR site that you don't salute while holding the flag. And that you should hold the flag in your right arm.

I guess what I am trying to say is they do have rules but they are not written in stone and each ride captain has freedom to run his ride. But things are very flexible from what I've seen.

And Bull Dog you would be a great asset to the PGR. You don't have to commit to a ride. In fact there is no registering to show up etc. You simply get emails (almost every other day) of missions within your state. The local captains sometimes follow up with specifics. You then get on Google maps and plot out a course. They don't even know if you are coming until they see you. You meet different people on each mission depending on the location of it. Nobody makes all the missions. I missed one in Sarasota already since it was just too far.

I've got my bike all gased up and my back pack strapped on today for a mission in the morning up to Bushnell. The company were I work has cut back our our hours (due to depression) and I'm not working tomorrow.

Some guys have flag mounts (made or bought) for the 3x5 flags on their bikes. I just have the smaller flag I bought at Walmart on a wooden rod that I plastic strap to my sissy bar. I also don't have my own 3x5 flag yet to hold (while standing) so the ride captain furnishes them to you. But you are encouraged to make up your own and bring them in case there is not enough. What they all do is cut 3/4 pvc pipe in sections small enough to fit in your pack or saddle bags and glue a male thread adapter on one end and a female on the other. Then you screw them together at the staging meeting.

But you will learn all those things as you go. It's a great thing to do when you have time. Later........Dave (RWB)
Oh just to clarify my last post, the 'depression' is economic. I am not depressed, I ride a motorcycle and you don't see any motorcycles parked outside the Pyschiatrist's office. LOL

Also I just wanted to share with you that all missions are not funerals. There is one coming up that is a 60 mile ride escort. These are truly celebration type events.

Welcome Home Mission, Tampa International Airport to Crystal River, Florida
April 1st-10th Range (Exact date to be determined)

The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to participate in the Welcome Home and escort of Florida National Guard Reserve Unit 690th MP, returning from a year tour of duty from Afghanistan.

The unit (154 soldiers returning) will arrive at Tampa International Airport and then board buses to Crystal River. At some point of the escort the Crystal River and/or Citrus County Police Departments will join into the motorcade.

Staging: Tampa International Airport, Top deck of short term parking lot
Briefing: As directed by ride captain, Mission Ride Captain: David Marsh