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? on tires.

Thank you all, just got mine inspected this morning and passed, dealer told me rear tire is stills good but front is halfway down, I asked for prices and was about $30-40 more than from the net. I guess I do have some time to shop for new tire.
I asked for prices and was about $30-40 more than from the net. I guess I do have some time to shop for new tire.

quick ? for ya --- Is this $30-40 more at the dealer INCLUDE taking the tire off the scoot & wheel , put the new tire on , mount & balance and then re-install back onto scoot? If you have your own set-up to do all the above , then yea , shop around the net for tires - just be careful when you do get one it hasnt been sitting in some warehouse for a long time and started to "dry-rot" - If you dont have the means to do a proper tire change out and still have to take the scoot somewhere to have it done - What savings in finances and time will there be compared to having the HD shop doing it? Just askin'!
That's the price for tire only w/o tax. They gave me a ball park of $520-550 for both tires include remove/reinstall and balance.