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Oil Pressure scaring me

TQ's got ya,:small3d015: it's been a while sense I worked on my EVO.

Evos will run amazingly well with that pressure, if in doubt check it with another gauge and do clean the overhead tappet screen. My Panhead ran around 5 psi when hot and never rattled or gave me any problems:s
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i got the same motor 98' evo. after a good run when hot i will see single digit pressures at idle and 17-25 ish when cold. check the things TQ mentioned to give ya some peace of mind. but them 500 miles will be no problem (knock/knock) i will bet your oil screen is nice and clean also, but never hurts to be sure. i feel what you describe is normal. if not let me know, cause i got the same problems! ;)
Is the right oil filter being used? 30 micron right?
Any thoughts on using Lucas straight 50wt synthetic oil?
thanx to all and TQ and Smitttys vid...perfect..................oil change was 200 or so miles back, but after Port Dover this weekend I will change to a synthetic.......need to go buy a little magnet and will clean the tappet screen this my lucky day finding this site...the help has been amazing from u more note...I love my road king....I have her as a spitting image of a old 50's tourer....many many compliments on her, with the milage being at over 60 k....I might invest into Harleys Evo Motor Trade that they offer this winter.....but like I said in my first post...this has been my first hic hup with her since buying in 03....she's been a great reliable scoot............again a big thanx to all......

follwoing up on earlier post....removed the screen, no metal filings and no clogging, it was nice and going to enjoy the weekend at Dover and the putt....hoping that its just the nature of the beast with this bike
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Keye. of course you have checked the guage, sometime them things get out of wack and as long as you have the light working, you have somewhat of a back up. heck, hook the oil sensor to a baby horn and it'll toot if it gets low enough to make the light kick on. sounds like a joke, but it would give you some piece of mind.
Keye. of course you have checked the gage, sometime them things get out of wack and as long as you have the light working, you have somewhat of a back up. heck, hook the oil sensor to a baby horn and it'll toot if it gets low enough to make the light kick on. sounds like a joke, but it would give you some piece of mind.

As I Did put on the NEW manual oil pressure gauge that HD sell that fits (nicely) on the rear head of my 09 FLHR and "ME" Always advising Others to ""Not be Distracted while riding""...

BIG NO one day, I didn't follow MY own advice: One day while trying to Look at the oil pressure doing 55 or so and not seeing the red needle on the pressure gauge... I wondered enough in My Lane to get a DUI if I would of had a police behind me.. :small3d015: DUMB! is all I can say...
I like the gauge and occasionally look while riding BUT is it safe? Not then it wasn't.

I won't do the Horn but that is very GOOD advice for any one to take, if the Constant urge to see OR check the oil pressure...Worry
I'll do my checking while at IDLE next time! CURIOSITY can U Know!

thanx to all and TQ and Smitttys vid...perfect..................oil change was 200 or so miles back, but after Port Dover this weekend I will change to a synthetic.......need to go buy a little magnet and will clean the tappet screen this my lucky day finding this site...the help has been amazing from u more note...I love my road king....I have her as a spitting image of a old 50's tourer....many many compliments on her, with the milage being at over 60 k....I might invest into Harleys Evo Motor Trade that they offer this winter.....but like I said in my first post...this has been my first hic hup with her since buying in 03....she's been a great reliable scoot............again a big thanx to all......

follwoing up on earlier post....removed the screen, no metal filings and no clogging, it was nice and going to enjoy the weekend at Dover and the putt....hoping that its just the nature of the beast with this bike

If you are really worried about it, go and get yourself a new Relief Valve Spring (#15 in Oil Pump pdf I posted before). Take the old spring with you to compare with the new one. I suspect the new one will be slightly longer. Then go to Home Depot, Lowes or Ace Hardware and get a couple of stainless steel washers that are the same outside diameter as the new spring. Install the new spring and see how the oil pressure is. If still low to you, then put one of the washers in above the spring before you reinstall the Relief Valve Plug and O-ring. Add the other if you want a bit more. Let me know if this does not make any difference.

BTW - you did swab out the relief valve port and clean the plunger really well, right?
