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non run issue

havent had a chance to get back to it--and yes I check both sides of the fuel pump fuse---nothing--everything else is fine---seems strange that just that wire would fail--I plan to pull the fuse box and look under neath for a broken wire---or loose connection----could the ecu have failed and everything else work but the fuel pump?
replaced all the relays ( both ) and fuses--it is not getting power to the fuse block---only on the fuel pump wire yellow with green stripe--could it possibly be a ecu?? can they be tested?
all the wiree seem to be good--and no I dont have a schematic where does the wire go from the block?? doesnt appear to go forward---about ready to put a match to this pig---if it has some early warning I would be searching but it just quit------------weird
bike turns over and all other items work with or with out the ecu connected--HELP !!!!
Without the schematic, it's like poking at it with a stick. Have you checked the back of the ignition switch for corrosion or loose wires and also to see if you get 12V when it's turned on at the proper terminal?

I would suggest getting the manual if you are going to be doing your own work.