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No peg touchdowns yet

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Hobbit, you are NUTZ, riding like that with every body on the wrong side of the road. :p
Scraping a bit happens with a low slung machine, just do not scrape hard enough to unweight the suspension making you toss your bike into the weeds. So the key when cornering deep on crowned roads. Ride smooth and hold lnes in a steady motion with no hard throttle or breaking movements and they will be "Non-Events" just ones to remember to take corners better.
I've scraped pegs many times (came from sport bikes). Not a big deal at all, and you will do it sooner or later. Just don't panic. Pick up a copy of "Ride Like a Pro." Like other instruments on your machine, the "scraping" is merely an indicator of approaching lean angle limits (like a stall horn on an airplane).

One thing that I find interesting (and others please tell me if this is your experience), since going to forward controls, the first object to touch the ground for me is now my heel. Not a big deal, but just curious if this a typical adjustment.

Keep the shiny side up!
Yeah not a big deal to drag a peg. Like it was said already you shouldn't try it but it may happen from time to time. I used to drag the pegs on my 1200S all the time and it set way higher than a Low. But then again I rode it like a crotch rocket. Usually I ride with my feet towards the outside edge of the pegs (I guess from riding dirt bikes) so my boots hit before the pegs most of the time anyway.

I appreciate your voice of reason on this topic. I am generally comfortable and confident on my bike, but scraping the board on a turn is very unsettling. I never try to do it, and when it happens, I remember why I don't try.

Riding is a lot of fun and a great source of satisfaction. Everyone brings different skills to riding and enjoys it differently. Nonetheless, we owe it to ourselves and our families to approach riding with respect. Roads are no place for experiments to test the limits of one's abilities.

My $.02. Now I'll go back to lurking... ;=)
Only done it twice on the UC, once was a more than a 90 degree corner, and the other was to miss an older Ford rust bucket pickup. Neither was all that bad cuz I new what was happening. Bike just went where I was looking, not a problem.
BTW Hobbit, nice ride, and I love the tune!!

Take care and ride safe eh!!:D
Whoa!:newsmile055: I don't pose to be an expert or know the answer to every situation. But, when it comes to riding cycle in a manner that the pegs meet resistance with pavement, the rider of that machine may be looking at this:
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