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New Hampshire House bill on helmets

Helmet or not, your choice, however if you don't wear one and end up with scrambled eggs for brains, please sign a medical release beforehand, stating that you are making this decision, and are willing to forgo the taxpayers covering the cost of keeping you in a hospital and feeding you with a tube for the rest of your life, if your actions put you there.

I don't want to add fuel to the fire, but do you also want the people who roller skate, ice skate, bicycle, ice or water ski, snow mobile, bungi jump or are just plain clumsy and do not wear helmets sign this form?:swoon
it looking like the bill it might pass was the tone of the last NHMRO meeting I attended.But I agree with Maine-e-ax
how far to one side or the other???
"let those who ride decide"... does this include cagers? can folks in cars not buckle up? can folks in cars talk on cell phone while driving? how about drinking alcohol and driving...You see? how far do we take this?
Let say its ok IF it does not impact anyone but yourself. Well, that means you have no one your connected to in anyway. That means no one on this earth will be affected by you not wearing a helmet and possibly going down and smashing your melon.
In the end riding without a helmet has to be well defined...its not easy to come up with the ultimate answer but I will say there are states that have no helmet laws, so one does have a choice,,...
Well I can tell you first hand that helmets save lives. You may not like em, but when you hit your head on the asphalt doing 40 or 50, you will change your mind. I am really no advocate of safety, but I really have to say that as many close calls as we have on a daily basis riding a bike that not wearing a helmet is crazy.
In PA it's not mandatory for anyone over 18 to wear a helmet but I wear one all the time. I really don't care what others do because that is their right. For me it's a no brainer I have a familly, own a business, so I have people that depend on me being around.
The key here is a helmet is a piece of protective gear, and there are many reasons to wear one...the only reason not to is because we do not like to be TOLD or be MANDATED to do so.

But the unspoken word is, it is pretty selfish to say I choose not to personally AND not consider your immediate family and friends in that decision. You may not be hurting anyone else, but do consider others in the decisions you make, who may not agree with you.

Yeah, I would never ride without a helmet, but I choose to do it because I know my family and friends would want me to do so, even if I decided not to...I feel I have too much to lose if I do not take a single precautionary step to prevent head injury.
Ive never ridden a bike without wearing a helmet the helmet law was in before i started riding and ive been riding since jan 76

Wow, I guess my post woke up a few folks. I actually use a helmet 90% of the time I ride and my wife wouldn't even sit on the back without one, .The bigger issue is the state always trying to tell us what to do. Remeber NH still hasn't passed a seatbelt law.
Thanks for all the input, it was fun reading.