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Namaste from India


New Member
:bigsmiley23:hi to all the fellow rider's
I have been riding since 2010 have XL883Roadster 1st to RIDE INDIA i have been a big fan of H-D Cult since childhood my elder was in college & sm times he &his friends usd to come over home used to talk of H-D & story such as easy riders, Harley&the Marlboro man that is wen by the riding bug my wish came true in 2010 when H-D got launched in India & i have been riding ever-since
looking forward to learning and sharing frm fellow riders RIDE TO LIVE-

thank u
Namaste, from Arizona.

You might want to keep us posted on any maintenance and upgrades, and any repairs or service issues you have with your Sportster. At the time Harley announced their connection with India there was a lot of conversation over build quality and it would be beneficial to hear from someone "on the scene", so to speak.

Ride safe,
