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Mac OS help

I've been using macs for years. When I first switched I found myself over thinking things. When you install an app on a pc you have to go through a whole process of clicking NEXT and then NEXT again. The majority of the mac apps you just drag the application icon in the application folder. How simple is that??? I also like how all the "i" apps work together. I will never switch back to a pc!!
My parents just bought a mac a year ago. I bought them "Leopard the missing manual"and I know it has helped them out a ton.
Well I bought a new PC today and I got a I Mac. This is a whole new world for me. This is this the first Mac I have ever used, I have been using Windows since day 1, so now I am really lost

So I am curious if anyone else is using a Mac and if you can give me any quick tips or advice about using this system. I would just like to know if there is any major differences between Mac OS vs Windows. I do know from what I already am seeing, I love this computer, it is light years from what I have been using. Thanks for any help..

You can fill the whole screen by doing this... click your mouse on the top of the page you are looking at. You can drag the page to the top and left corner of your screen, then click and drag on the very bottom right corner and and drag that corner to the right bottom of screen and you should have the whole screen covered.
The only thing I know is Mac and love them. Two features I use a lot.

1) If you have a touch pad mouse feature, hold the control button down and use two fingers on the pad. Moving them up or down will magnify the screens image (w/o the control button, it'll scroll).

2) If you mouse click once on a document (or pic), and press the space bar, you can bring the item up w/o having to actually open the application.
The hardest part of learning to use a mac is UN-learning how to use a PC. Windoze has taught us that navigation and moving/using files is complicated and cumbersome. On a Mac its intuitive and simple. I still use a PC but love my Macs.

I am what they call a Mac "fanboy," meaning I am pretty sure Macs are the best thing that's ever been invented! Yes, I even own stock!

I just got my folks to switch over to a Mac. There are a few major differences, but once you sort of "get" the concept it seems really, really simple.

First off is the idea of programs. Opening and closing windows is different than starting and quitting apps. You can close your browser window (Safari and FireFox are 1,000 steps ahead of Internet Explorer!), but the application is still running. You can see that it is still active in your dock.

Secondly, the menu bar changes depending on which application you're currently using. If you're not using any, then you're using Finder. I know, it seems weird at first, but Finder is an application! It's analogous to Windows Explorer, but most beginners don't even know what that is anyways. Anyhow, Finder is always running - it's how you browse what's on your HDD (Hard Disk Drive).

Once you spend a couple days and sort of get a feel for things, explore the Mail client and iCal! It might take a bit of reading and tinkering to figure out exactly what's going on, but OMG I wouldn't know how to live day-to-day without it!
My wife is a MAC gal and I'm a PC guy. Reason why I'm saying this is that I told my wife to buy me a new PC and I gave her the specs. (yeah, I should have just built one, but . . . . i didn't) I expected a new PC when I got home. I surf for the most part and then do some graphic design stuff on the side.

Anyway, I got home and I had a new . . . you guessed it, a iMac with Parallels software along with an XP install disk. So, I run Mac OS on the iMac and on the second monitor, I run XP. Now I've got both running at the same time and it's all good.:D

Now if that doesn't mess ya up, nothing will. Anyway, the iMac is cool and I think you'll like it once you get the PC/Mac thought process cleared up in your mind. Also, the iMac doesn't crash and the XP seems to run better as a virtual PC. Good luck!
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Neat story.

I was going with Mac with Parallels for a long time but slowly realized there wasn't much I couldn't do on the Mac I did with Windows so finallly quit Parallels and simply go 100% Mac now.

There is one problem and that is we use Quickbooks pro from Intuit for our accounting and at times we process credit card donations to our orphanage. There is a native Mac Quickbooks that I use but it doesn't allow one to process credit cards and in talking to Intuit they will never set that up...

I have left on PC in our office and we take care of that problem with that box... everything else is now Mac and the networking capability with Airport is awesome!

I'm not sure if this will help, but I drag my windows from the bottom right corner to make them bigger. I have had my mac for just under a year. I was always pc based. I now use my mac 95% of the time. I have never had a problem with it.

I didn't have much time to 'learn' it early on, so I continued to use the pc. Eventually, oh like December-ish, I started using the mac more & more. Now, I sort of dread going to the pc these days. The mac is just so much easier to figure things out, it just makes sense. :s
That is where I am at currently. After having received an IMac for Christmas I still have it in the box because I dread the learning process. So I am using my old Sony Vaio desktop. I will eventually do as you did, use it more and more. That's the only way to learn i guess.
It was great to hear that a great many members of this helpful forum have Mac OS. I'll be peeking at this subject more and more now that i know that.