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Lower Back Pain

Long term you can strengthen your core muscles, they will support your back.

Fit your bike to your body. I used 12.5 inch mini-apes and an adjustable back rest to take away all my shoulder and back pain.

I am still working on the core though.
Backrest is the answer buddy. I have had a few accidents involving my lower back during my youth and I still manage 6-7 hours in the saddle since using a backrest.
Had a backrest on my Softail, it helped quite a bit but I couldn't use it riding two up. Not enough room on the Corbin seat. So I got one of these Back-A-line Belt. I was amazed at how well it worked, I now wear it on the bike and while doing yard work.
Yeah Smitty I play hockey all winter but I have been kind of relaxing a bit on the exercise since it ended in April. I have been starting to stretch and work out a bit but it is hard to get motived until hockey season starts again. But you are right ...i will have to use the Harley as my motivation...thanks coach!!!

I think it's a great idea to use your bike as motivation to exercise. If the pain continues I urge you to see your doctor; just in case there is an issue there. I know a lot of people, doctors included, who will work, run and exercise through pain only to find out that it was something that could have been avoided, fixed, or adjusted by an osteopath or massage. Just saying :)
I have backrests on both bikes. HD version on the 08 Ultra, and a Biker's Friend on the Street Bob. Without them, I can ride all day, but spend the next few days getting the back to work again. With them, anytime, all the time.
I had the same back pain after 20-30 minutes of riding time on my 04 Fatboy. I'm 5'11" and I did a couple of things to solve this problem. First I bought some dogbone risers that brought the bars back to me about 1-2 inches. This felt better and did eliminate my slouching after 20-30 minutes of ride time but a still had the back pain. Then I tried a a HD Fatboy seat with backrest. Best investment I could have made for riding comfort. The seat also moved me forward about about an inch over the stock seat. I think the backrest is all I really needed to start with but the dogbone risers are chrome and look to cool to take off now.
Another thought hit me regarding the issue of back pain. Many eyars ago, I purchased an adjustable leather kidney belt. The thing does wonders. Add that to a good seat, backrest, and your on your way....
Before you invest in a backrest, I would suggest trying a 'kidney belt'/lower back support which can be bought at any large drug store (Walgreens, Rite-Aid) for about $25. Worked for me. Good luck.