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Loss of power on deceleration

Thanks Jeff, usually I'd retard timing after trying to enrichen fuel in the area I have a knock retard. As for JustJane's problem (OP), those of you that suggested cleaning the IAC may not be too far off since her problem occurs after getting off the hwy. A good TB cleaning may do it. Sometimes an over oiled air filter can be the culprit too.
I tried throwing more fuel at mine prior to adding the SERT and still had the spark knock. Mine was at it's worst when i'd leave from a stop, felt and sounded like the engine was going to fall out.

After installing the SERT and retarding the timing the knock was just a memory.
I'd probably have a stroke if my bike sounded like the motor was going fall out! Never a good sign. How were you adding fuel before the SERT install? What tuner did you have? Seems I add fuel to a couple of cells and blend the surrounding but then only to see a 2deg Knock Retard in the cells right around where I didn't add anything. So far, I've only removed .05deg timing and added fuel in the VE Tables. Latest Data run shows zero knock so I'm close. Some say not to worry about 2deg in short spikes, but I'm OCD! Now if I can just reduce the REV HANG between 1st and 3rd I'd be happy.
I was running a Dobeck Gen 3 and added more fuel to different ranges, never could get the right settings on the bottom end to help with the knock.