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Lock your doors !!!!!!!

took a few hours to settle down after wards - I haven`t heard who the kid belongs to , just that the guy got charged with something more serious than walking into my place.the leo didn`t tell me what it was . I guess I`m just surprised that I`m 28 steps from door to door , I work 15hr days so I see most of what goes on around here & I do watch out for my neighbors. just glad both my wife & son were at work & not cornered in the house. I`m sure I will find out thru time what the out come will be
This may help. If you get a couple of ADT home alarm signs and post near front door they say that this will help deter a intruder....
This may help. If you get a couple of ADT home alarm signs and post near front door they say that this will help deter a intruder....
Better yet, get the signs that say "Owner of this home is armed 50% of the guess which 50" and my fav "I don't call 911, I call 357".:x
I grew up in small-town MN (50 people, pets included) & never recall locking doors back there/then, but it was a different time & environment. Hitting the door locks is now automatic & I always keep things secure because you never know who's wandering out in the neighborhood. Few years back some traveling fugitive teens from far away murdered a couple during the night on a farm...just happened to pick @ random. Sad we need to always be on the defense, but can't be too careful...
When I was a small child in the 60's, I used to ride my Schwinn stingray all over West Palm Beach without the slightest thought or care. Now, I watch where I even drive my truck when I'm down there.
I think that's pretty much everywhere. I grew up in the 60s here in OKC and we rode our bikes everywhere. We'd go 15 miles across town to go to one particular arcade and make a day of it. Some of the areas we rode bikes through I wouldn't drive through now.
I think that's pretty much everywhere. I grew up in the 60s here in OKC and we rode our bikes everywhere. We'd go 15 miles across town to go to one particular arcade and make a day of it. Some of the areas we rode bikes through I wouldn't drive through now.

That was also a time when neighbors knew the ins and out of each other and could rely on each other. Now a days like in my neighborhood you barley see your neighbors let alone know anything about them and then one day after 3 years of maintaining adjoining property you are told that you are trespassing.
How sad.....:newsmile058:
We have the occasional home invasion, but the best thing KY did was pass a law that you have every right to defend yourself, family and property with deadly force. Its happened a couple of times where the home invader loses. I know they would around my house.
If you have never pulled a gun on another human - for your own / family protection - you really dont know the DEEP-DOWN feeling inside you get , If you have never shot another human , same feeling inside. I've done both and if I have to , YES I'll do it again!

I, too, have taken lives by my own hand. Though it was in a combat situation (Iraq), I still live with that everyday. I am not ashamed, and I too, would do it again if required. I believe in the right to own firearms and protect and defend yourself, your family, and your property. However, I believe that using good judgement is just as importand as using good ammo. It sounds like the original post'er met his adversary with the appropriate force - Good job! Just be careful approaching an intruder unarmed. Like many people have already posted, there are a lot of crazies out there!
That seems to be happening more and more. I lived in Winnipeg in the early 70 's parents never locked the doors. The sad part about Canada is you can't defend your own house your suppose to call the police were I live now in the country that can be an hour wait if your lucky.

If I had a family to protect I know would deal with it myself.