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Lifting a Road King

Hey Lancer. I have the same jack as you and Smitty and I was just wondering. You say you can spin it around in your garage? Can you move it side ways? The reason why I'm asking is because I would like to maneuver the bike between the lolly columns in my garage. Between the garage doors so I can fit my bike right between the two cars.
Hope that made sense. ;)
I had a Kawi Nomad and when I removed front or rear wheels I left the other on the ground to prevent the bike from shifing when the weight of the wheel was removed. This was suggested in the owners manual. Have any of you used a jack to remove a wheel, and did you have to leave the opposite wheel on the ground?
Hey Lancer. I have the same jack as you and Smitty and I was just wondering. You say you can spin it around in your garage? Can you move it side ways? The reason why I'm asking is because I would like to maneuver the bike between the lolly columns in my garage. Between the garage doors so I can fit my bike right between the two cars.
Hope that made sense. ;)

I can spin it because of the castering wheels on the jack, I can maneuver the bike around pretty well. But I don't have columns to worry about and I move the wife's car out of the garage. :)
I had a Kawi Nomad and when I removed front or rear wheels I left the other on the ground to prevent the bike from shifing when the weight of the wheel was removed. This was suggested in the owners manual. Have any of you used a jack to remove a wheel, and did you have to leave the opposite wheel on the ground?

Ive removed several wheels and the entire front end on my Springer while servicing the neck bearings.Just strap it down and youre all set.Leaving one wheel on the ground sounds far more dangerous to me.
I also bought the J&S jack. The boys in Wisconsin really know how to make a great piece of equipment. I have a real small space in the garage and the driveway is somewhat steep so it's a bear to back the bike in to the garage. With the J&S jack I just pull straight in, jack her up and give it a 360 degree spin. Bike is extremely stable and it works great for washing the wheels. I roll it out to the driveway at the edge of the garage and the wheel hangs over no water in the garage, wheels lok like new.

Best money I have spent. Other than buying the bike!