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Leaf blower

YES! I use a Toro electric leaf blower. I am always very attentive to keep my distance with this device to avoid scuffing up the machine.

Before the leaf blower I tried using human lungs, but became "winded" and started staggering around in the yard.:newsmile030:
I do use my leaf blower. I also make sure that the driveway where the bike is sitting is wet down good. By doing this I don't really have to worry about the blower "sucking up foregin objects" and propelling them at the paint.
Use the el cheepo weed Eater at WallyWorld for 25.00. Used only for the bike. If ground area has been blown free of dirt and or wet then should not be issue of dirt getting into the blower. It is a champion for engine drying, hand controlls and switches etc.
I use my shop vac with the hose in the exhaust versus the suction port. Blows the dust out of the area under the seat.
If i need to dry off my bike after washing i use an air line from my compressor the air is filterd good enough for paint spraying

If my arms were long enough I would.:D
What hair?
You know that is a good idea us a hair dryer on your bike......

I finally use that electric blower for something. Thought about throwing it away at one time. Now, if it quits, i'd have to replace it. Those ones specially for bikes are little spendy......

I use a pressure washer too, nothing i see wrong with it. If i had the money i would buy a real dryer.
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