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Just a thought about the forum..

In actuality Jeff with the amount of traffic the forum is seeing, it is in direct relationship to the proceedings in the last week. and deserve conversation. As with all forums, some just can not understand, that the recent events is the catalyst for all the positive bantering and future along with the participation from Members who we thought we lost....:s You know the big picture.... And I do not think anyone is blowing things out of proportion.

There we go again, old and lost or lost and old??????:dknow

Hey Bernie,
I do agree that it's good to have a conversation about the past events and what led up to the state of the forum today. I guess the point (my opinion only) was, we have a lot of the great minds and members we thought we're gone for good are now back and having fun helping others. I guess if the events from the past few weeks brought them back, then so be it. The forum is busy with posts and new members asking questions so that tells me it's well on it's way to a full recovery.
Mat, thanks for your post and there is at least one of us out here that agrees that enough is enough. If the forum is to move forward we as a group need to put the past to rest and be grown up enough to know when to let go of the negative. The forum is made up of many different personalities and we can all agree that we do not always agree, but we do have the same love of our rides and maintaining them. This is what the forum is here for and the negative comments made do nothing to further that goal. JMO HDDon

Hey Mat,
In my opinion we all need not dwell on the past, today's a new day and the forum is alive and well. I enjoy seeing the banter back and forth and the new and the (well let me say not so new members) having a good time and helping each other out. :s

well said..thanks Don and Jeff
Hey, what's going on here? It's a conspiracy ! :D

Quote..........."There You Go Again"(Ronald Reagan)

You know it takes (3) for a conspiracy....

Here ,,, I loan you the Third One...:lero

You Da Man.....

Never was able to spend enough time here to really know what happened. Does seem like a lighter mood lately. I'm good with that! :D