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Is Jack Gone?

I have to say that Jack is one of my favorite members here. When there is a strange question from a new member and no one chimes in, it is Jack at the ready with a kind word and a sincere welcome. Even when he does not have the answer, he lets you know you are important and he never just slaps down the “Self Help” and runs. There will be a big hole if he is gone that simply can not be filled by knowledge alone. :(

My Mood: This ones for you!

Hallmark themselves could not have said it better.. Nice words Dr. Evil.
My friends list is a fairly short one mostly mods and ex mods but jack is there and i hope he will be there for some time to come

My friends list is also short and Jack has become a good friend! I have gone back over some of the recent post where Jack has been taking the shorter end of the stick. I cannot see anywhere that he was not giving as good as he got. That being said we must "all" think about how we are precieved and not how we think of ourselves. As was stated before Jack is the point guy for most new postings and he has a nack for making new members feel welcome. Perhaps we need to take a page from Jacks workbook and try to make sure everyone feels welcome. Jack when you read this know that I for one thinks that the forum would not be as warm a place without your imput.
Must have been burning too much day light and went for a ride.

He'll be back.

If not, I hope some members that are closer to Jack can see if everything is OK. Somethings are outside our control and have a higher priority than an Internet forum or two. Life can be a little funny that way.

Hope everything is good. And if any of us (individually or collectively) have Jack rethinking his regular visits to the site, I'd be one of the first to make it right. Cuban Cigar anyone? :small3d036:


I hope he's not gone & will come back. But with all this self searching going on I think we can all see how the tongue is like a two edged sword, sometimes it cuts very deeply. Let us all be careful how we talk & address one another.
I am new here but Capital Jack:D has made my day more than once. He makes the walmart welcome guy look like the Grinch.

Jack if you read this thanks for all the positive words. I hope all is well and you are forever in the wind with a smile on your face.
Jack is a very good member of our HD Community. He is very much what Dr. Evil said above, I agree. Good tech advice and good fun posts as well.

He recently approached another Moderator here about doing a better job of welcoming our new members. He asked how we might improve this and get other members involved in doing some "welcoming". Some of us (not all of us) probably don't read the New Member Intro but Jack does and he makes them welcome.

Good "community" thinking that Mr. Klarich has!!

Thanks Tank, this gives us all a little insight into the Jack that we think we know. Keep Jack in your thoughts and if we are lucky he will be back at full strength soon.
Jacks alive and well in Fla. I spoke with him last night and he just had a bad hair day at work. Hope he gets back here soon, he's missed.:s
Thanks Glider that is good too know. I phoned him a couple of times today but everyone is out.