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In gear or neutral?

Roundi does make a good many times have we parked our bikes and "bold" unthinking strangers think it is a prop to take pictures on...! :devil
I am a parker and starter in neutral, but parking in gear is certainly a good idea. I guess those are the little things you benefit learning from taking the motorcycle course.
Yeah, but REAL bikes do not stand alone, without a rider or the very least a jiffystand either!:D Otherwise it is just window dressing or an unfinished play...
When I took the course they told us to shut off in gear. When starting, put it in neutral and pull the clutch in because the neutral light only means the light works. One instructor told us he rolls his bike forward a couple of inches to make sure it is actually in neutral but he still pulls the clutch in when starting.

That is clear and right to the point, just how I do it.
I always shut down my bike in neutral and start it in neutral with the clutch in. I allays hit the kill switch on the handle bars first to shut off the engine. told in driving school this was the best way.