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I was forced off I-85 @ 70 Mph


Junior Member
I was riding south bound on I-85 in the left lane at 70 Mph. There was a car in the adjacent lane to my right. On came the left turn signal and on when my horn and to the shoulder on the interstate I went. I hit the throttle just when she saw me. The look on her face must have mirrored my own expression:shock. The odd thing was that she zipped back over into the right lane to take the next exit. I thank the Lord that I'm safe.
I've had that happen so many times over the years. It would make me so mad I could just choke the driver... Then I did the exact same thing to a rider.

That's when I truly realized, motorcyclists are simply hard to see.

Completely changed my perspective...
To many times they look into the mirror and do not see you. I always make it a point that when on a interstate I pass the vehicle in right lane and by no means ride along it. You learned a valuable lesson today. Glad you got out of it ok...
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To many times they look into the mirror and do not see you. I always make it a point that when on a interstate I pass the vehicle in right lane and by no means ride along it. You learned a valuable lesson today. Glad you got out of it ok...
I wasn't riding along side of her car parked in her blind zone if that’s what you ment to say. I was passing her, apparently just not fast enough in this case. When I over take any vehicle I always keep an eye on them by watching the wheels and signals. I also move to the opposite track (in this case the left track) to give myself more space (and time) for situations like this one.
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Good job! I'm Thankful you kept your thoughts together & reacted properly, and the bike & HORN were in good working order.
I wasn't riding along side of her car parked in her blind zone if that’s what you ment to say. I was passing her, apparently just not fast enough in this case. When I over take any vehicle I always keep an eye on them by watching the wheels and signals. I also move to the opposite track (in this case the left track) to give myself more space (and time) for situations like this one.
Sounds to me like you took all of the necessary evasive maneuvers and still these things happen to us! :( Glad you're okay!
Sounds as though you were riding smart. Great to hear you are OK, I know I've read it here a hundred times, we have to ride as though we are invisible.

Keep the Dirty Side Down, Ride Safe:42:

Good move Mongo, I always try to pass cars quickly just to avoid the situation. Riding in Atlanta is quite a challenge.