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I Hate "Creepers!"

Try the zig-zag movement when approaching the intersection. Makes the cagers sit up and take notice, especially when you hit the hazard lights and flashing your hi-low&driving lights. They all seem to freeze and wonder "What the H-e-double hockeysticks is this guy doing?":s
But then again, some of them just gun it to get out of your way.

This is a good way to protect your lane. It's up to the ride to make sure these "drivers" don;t take advantage of the amount of space you take uo in a lane.

When I'm riding solo, I always move around in the lane to protect it. It's more of a preventative riding style then a defensive one. If other driver think they can use even one inch you your lane they will.

I do the same thing in my 4 wheeled vehicles. If I'm in the right lane, I drive near the left hand side, and near the right when I'm the left hand lane. This prevents other drivers from thinking they can use your lane to pass. It also prevents folks from cutting in on you. The perspection of a "small space" to squeeze in front of you prevents most drivers from trying it.
On a stretch with the speed limit 65 I had a gray hair pull out in front of me, hard enough on the brakes to lock up the rear.

I always look at the front wheel of the cager instead of trying to make eye contact. If the wheel/tire start rolling I'm a brak'n.
On a stretch with the speed limit 65 I had a gray hair pull out in front of me, hard enough on the brakes to lock up the rear.

I always look at the front wheel of the cager instead of trying to make eye contact. If the wheel/tire start rolling I'm a brak'n.

Absolutely!!! Eye contact is a joke - a thing of the past from high school driver's education. Police reports are full of statements where the motorcyclist swears the driver was looking right at them - in the eye, as it were - and still pulled out in front of the bike.

This is why I referred to them as Creepers in my OP. If you're watching their wheels, they aren't stopped - they're just barely creeping along making you wonder what their next move is going to be.
Actually a good rule of thumb, before you proceed in front of a creeper, do not forget to look at the other cagers for at least 2 signs of their intention, how their front wheel moves, where their eyes move AND if you see their steering wheel, look how they react to your movements. The only thing that may catch you off guard is the U-turn an oncoming vehicle does...! That has happened at least 3 times and my "closest" call...cause it is hard to find an out when a 2 ton vehicle blocks your path.
I'll tell ya. Creepers don't just creep when you're on a bike. Yesterday I was driving a 22 wheeler, coming back from delivering logs. I was approaching the intersection of the North Klondike hwy and the Alaska highway, headed West. I had a pick-up truck in my right lane to turn onto the Klondike Hwy. I was in the centre/through lane just starting to put the hammer down as I was starting up an incline. I was doing about 95kph and noticed a green station-wagon type car approaching the intersection. They had a HUGE stop sign. I knew from past experience that there have been a number of runners through that intersection and was letting off the throttle and....sure enough....I was about 100 feet from the intersection when this dope blew past the stop and at 95kph, I barely had enough time to grab the airhorn and deek to the back of his vehicle. The guy behind him, and the guy behind me, must have about shyte themselves as I think I went behind the car so close I couldn't see his back bumper. I wondered at the time if I had clipped him, but looking in my mirror I could see him pulling away at a great rate of speed. I wonder what he saw as I came roaring straight at thim as he pulled out in front of me. A small compact station-wagon type car with a huge kenworth on a T-bone course. I hope he had to hurry to the nearest outhouse to clean up.
That's why I use my horn whenever I see a car creeping toward the intersection. They usually will look right at me and brake.