free website stats program i finally got the bike back together, here it is. | Page 2 | Harley Davidson Forums

i finally got the bike back together, here it is.

Wow, that paint is awesome man. Where did you get it done?

Even better is that GW for your dad and hooking up with him for a ride. Keep that sutff up.:worthy
Hey thanks everyone for the comments.

i did the paint myself.

i was more excited for my dad to get that bike then i was to get mine back on the road, its not often that we are in that position where we can do something like that but its rewarding.

we as bikers need to keep reaching out and keeping the spirit alive.
The bike looks fantastic, you did a great job. You can come at my bike with the paint gun anytime.
Awesome looking bike.

It's even more awesome that you bought your Dad a bike. Ride with him as often as you can. You will create memories that will last a lifetime :)