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I can not relate to today's youth

Look at it this way, they will reduce the welfare rolls if left to their own means. That means lower taxes for those of us that actually feel like we should support our families ourselves. Just stay clear of them. :D
There is one in every crowd, my dad called them Doh heads way before The Simpsons:D
well im 23! Ive been in the Army national guard for almost 6 yrs. A cop in Mid illinois for almost 2 but I know what you mean!!

Thank you km for the service that you provide to your community and for your service in the national guard. It is good to know that there are some young folks out there that were raised to be a role model for the youth of today.
Great show of restraint but I liked your choice of words as well I would have probably blasted them as I can't stand a smart(EDIT) at all but my temper gets wound easy. I could hear my wife now telling me to leave and grabbing my arm as she knows how I can get.

Great job!

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I apologize for my foul mouth not allowed to use dirty words like this and I didn't know it so sorry guys.
The kid must not have paid attention in science class, or he'd have known what could happen with fire and gas fumes.
ROBERMV32 , you are my hero. I can't articulate very well under pressure & if I had been there and said anything at all I'm sure it would have got ugly.I usually try to ignore punks like those.
I thank all of you who supported my actions. I just can't surrender the values that my parents instilled in me as a child. The greatest loss I see in youth today is the lack of respect for anyone.
robermv32, Let me be the 1st to say thank you for any and all of your services.

I may not be the first, but I would like to thank you for your service too. Also, I think you had the right response to that young man. He might have flipped you off, but I bet later, he thought about what you said.
I believe that the parents are to blame about 90% of the time. I have a 16 yr old son and when his friends come over they automatically call me by my first name. Parents are responsible to teach their children respect for adults and everyone else. These kids feel that their respect must be earned and they are equal to adults. I think it all boils down to parents wanting to be their childrens "friends" first and parents second.
I totally agree with you. I see way too many parents (so called) just trying to be their childrens 'best" friend. I tell them - you have these little kids for just a few short years, as a parent, it is your duty and responsibility to raise your kids to have character, respect for self and others - especially adults, you must teach them to have dignity and honor and above all things - Love of God! And I sincerely believe that without the latter, the others will be next to impossible. NO - do not be your kids PAL, but be his Parent and teach him/her how to become a good citizen and neighbor. Teach them all the things they do NOT learn in public schools. Just my humble, but accurate, opinion.

Here's a thought, How many of us were raised by a parent or family member, someone who had an interest in how we turned out ? Today most kids are raised by a day care provider who, in most cases, is there for the money and not the long term training of the next generation. Maybe it's really the entire society's fault for allowing our families to fall victim to the economy and now we are reaping the "benefits" of a two income environment.