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Hows your weather?

We seem to be getting a lot of storms and keeping it warm enough for no snow we have had at least 5 storms since Christmas eve gale force winds and heavy rain next one coming in tonight
Although this type of storms are fairly common here they are far more frequent than I can remember and some of them have also hit southern England where it is unusual weather there and they have had a lot of trees and power lines down as well as flooding
All that I have had to do is some repairs to fences and tape round the inside of the window frames as when the wind gets to 70+ the window frames deform and the wind gets through I just need some more hedge to act as a wind break but I will need to start soon or wait another year

Hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst. We are to have anywhere from 4-6 possibly by tomorrow........

Global warming what???????? We have had 23" so far since November.....
Some of the stuff on global warming that I have read,says it's going to lead to another ice age.Salt water and fresh water have different tendencies, the ice caps melting all that fresh water into the salt has the potential to change ocean currents.
82ºf partly cloudy, wind SW 19mph, 65% RH. :s
Windy, blowing snow and we are supposed to set a record for cold tonight :(