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How to Roast A Moderator Part 2

I see that hddon is already starting to step forward into the firing line
Although i have not used some of the buttons for a wee while i have dusted them off and i remember how to use them i think however i have never undone anything so it might take a few weeks to work that one out :p

I see that hddon is already starting to step forward into the firing line
Although i have not used some of the buttons for a wee while i have dusted them off and i remember how to use them i think however i have never undone anything so it might take a few weeks to work that one out :p


And here we go with the intimidation package! Never fear Jack, even if Fin has moved to his hide once the first round is fired I will be able to fix his position. As far as those dusty old buttons, they may be a wee bit more problemmatic. I also understand that there are certain moderators that have been seen out and about on Kawasakies. There is also a couple who will go unnamed that have Japanese equipment in their shops. Jack are you still there???
P.S. I have also been told that some of them don't even like BBQ or Gumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack you have a very short memory. This can, and probably will, go south in a hurry. I seem to remember some vacation time being involved. You have to remember the current slate of moderators may not be as enlightened as in years past, and they may forget how to get the vacation button unstuck. There is also the dreaded "POOF" button that has not been used in a while. Oh heck, I have it on good authority that Tank, Dr. Dolittle and Fin have a secret Harley Haters Club!

:p That would not surprise me, The POOF EH, :p Yeah I remember the vacations too:lero
:p That would not surprise me, The POOF EH, :p Yeah I remember the vacations too:lero

Jack you should take it easy on the mods. they are getting older and some of them may not remember how to behave themselves. They have in the past shown a remarkable ability to actout. I think it comes from from riding forign made equipment. That and the fact that most of them are card carrying vegaterians, or is that vegan SteveO7?
Jack you should take it easy on the mods. they are getting older and some of them may not remember how to behave themselves. They have in the past shown a remarkable ability to actout. I think it comes from from riding forign made equipment. That and the fact that most of them are card carrying vegaterians, or is that vegan SteveO7?

Geriatrics?:p If we take it easy on em it wont be any fun:lero
And here we go with the intimidation package! Never fear Jack, even if Fin has moved to his hide once the first round is fired I will be able to fix his position. As far as those dusty old buttons, they may be a wee bit more problemmatic. I also understand that there are certain moderators that have been seen out and about on Kawasakies. There is also a couple who will go unnamed that have Japanese equipment in their shops. Jack are you still there???
P.S. I have also been told that some of them don't even like BBQ or Gumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!

I might have slipped into my hide but the visibility is very good i can observe almost everything that is going on
No BBQ or gumbo here however there is a good supply of haggis no cooking going on as the smoke from the fires might compromise this hide position and i would have to move to alternative dog is on local protection whilst cat is out on forward screen
Quick fire buttons are polished up and ready to fire and we are ready for the first appearance of HondaDon :p

I might have slipped into my hide but the visibility is very good i can observe almost everything that is going on
No BBQ or gumbo here however there is a good supply of haggis no cooking going on as the smoke from the fires might compromise this hide position and i would have to move to alternative dog is on local protection whilst cat is out on forward screen
Quick fire buttons are polished up and ready to fire and we are ready for the first appearance of HondaDon :p


Haggis? Do you guys know what is in that stuff?? The dog doesn't worry me but that FO Cat will be a problem. Just because he doesn't plan a fire doesn't mean that we won't find him. have you ever smelled Haggis???:small3d015:
Don, We can get a TANK of Lornes barbecue sauce to boil them all in, I would take GREAT offense to that Honda moniker:p