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How Fast?

.....I ride with some guys who get a little nuts behind the bars once in a while, and I'll keep up for a while, maybe even do a "blast-by", but then I get visions of my family sobbing at my funeral, and how my little guy most of all loves me so much and needs me so much, at least for a few more years......

I agree too much. As I got older, got married and had a kid I developed this disease called a conscience. In my early twenties I used to street race every Friday and Saturday night. After awhile I figured out that it really isn't speed that I loved, but acceleration. Now that I ride and have a family at home, I don't like to break 70....except when passing someone. I try to keep it around 5 over, but I still love to rip the throttle open every now and again to get up to speed.:D:D:D
Depending on how I feel and where I'm riding depends on my speed. On the highway I run a little faster then trafic. I try to keep it 5 - 10 mph over the speed limit but have been know to open it up every once in awhile over 100.
long term riding ,I'm not on the super slab long enough to maintain warp speed .......... :D

most of my riding is on the 45-60 mph roads....

My 02 fatboy will only run 95 mph for very short distances...anything over a half mile at that speed and my cajones start to shrivel :x
I normally keep 55- 65 on the main roads on the interstate 70 -75 a good speed . Harley's aren't that great of the speed demon. I alway have people tell me to do this or do that to get the harley hopping and I just don't see going really fast on a fat Harley, maybe a Vrod.
If I want to go faster and quicker I have the Hayabusa which I had up to 180 and done 25 mile runs at 160 things are a blur at that speed .
yes that bike really does what they say it does .
The Harley is the ride for me 90% time though
Riding at 90mph is thrill riding, getting a rush from the speed. At those speeds you can't enjoy the ride because you have to be on your toes every second. I like to enjoy the ride and scenery. If I'm out on the open road, I'll run 70, other wise I let the twisties and the road dictate my speed.
I do not define hard ride as fast for me it is more of the push.
By that I mean on the right road 40 can be fast were on another road 100 maybe no big deal.
Hard ride for me is how active you have to be in controling and making the bike do what you want, How many shifts up and down in a short time the sparks from boards.
If your arms get tired of hold the line thats a hard ride no madder haow fast of slow it may be.
If you have to change you pants when you get back thats a hard ride.
Anyone can go fast.

Smitty has said it all here. However, when I am at a time crunch will run the freeway at 85 - 90 depending on where I am and traffic. Once get into the city then decreases rapidly. Made Chicago to Detroit with fuel stops in just under 5 hours but I was going almost all out.
I've never really been into speed.That's one of the reasons I'm an HD Owner.As far as the interstates,I'll leave them to the truckers(which I am).A country road with my wife on the back at 50 mph,thats living the life for me
I almost always ride to the right. I'm one of those people that think that it's proper to keep right except to pass. It is the law in some states (IL is one). I don't like passing anyone on the right, but if they fail to yeild the left lane, I do it.
I'm like this also. Unlike just about everyone else here, the fastest I've had the Dyna is 80 a couple times merging into traffic flow. With the traffic speed, maybe a little faster to keep my backside from being run over. Riding hard is using the cornering abilities and torque coming out of a turn.
Young and dumb I was. Now it is slow and easy. Not gonna say wiser. Dumb we see on the road with the stunters and yes, the ones who do 90+. If you're going that fast and someone can see you, you're dumb. The track is the place for that. Personally, I wouldn't brag about cruising on the interstate at 80-90mph. Just cause the bike can do it, don't mean it has to be done. A thrill for me is coming up through the gears and applying torque. Doing 150 in a long run just won't get my juices going, but 150 in a short distance is pure adrenaline. In younger days, let's go fast as we can. Now, slow and enjoy the scenery. Besides, if you're going so fast, you miss all those admiring looks from the ladies who wish they were on the bike with you.:s
Doc your right about keeping it on the track,but do you know the euphoria of going 150-200mph it is something that can;t be described!
I usually drive at or no more than 5 over the speed limit. I got tired of paving roads through fines a long time ago. I did however just last saturday, (after checking out my no longer existing wobble) take my bike down the interstate and decide to open it up for the first time. It was clear, very little traffic and I brought my 09 Ultra up just to where the speedo showed passing 105MPH. I was impressed how EZ it got there and even more so that the handling was no issue. I did not hold it at all, just coasted back to 75. All I can say is that after hitting 90MPH on my 05 Deluxe, it was not a good feeling. Anyway I do not know how fast it will go or how accurate the speedo is, but I was impressed.