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How do you remove microfiber that is burned onto the exhaust??

I did the same thing Just heat the pipes up by riding and use a cotton t-shirt to wipe it off once it is good and hot again.
Road Rub is a great product. It is a dry stick that you rub only where you need it. Very simple and safe to use, no residue or overspray.

I got it at my HD dealer, though not all my carry it. Here is a link

Road Rub
My wife melted her boot on the exhaust pipe like the other post said. I sprayed it with brake clean and it wiped right off. Just be careful to keep it off painted surfaces.
I have always had good luck with NEVER DULL. get at any auto parts or great on marks from boots or shoes also.about 5 bucks.
I have used 00 Steel Wool with excellent success. Usually for boot marks. Double zero is very,very fine steel wool. Not much elbow is required.