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How do i complain about my local HOG chapter

I can't speak for your chapter and the problems you are encountering, but it may be where your located. All countries and people are not democratic. Control in many countries is not something that is given freely. If you have been to a meeting and have asked some questions about the leadership you probably have your answer.
Well im in Kuwait, thats in the middle east, its a Democratic country, no problems here. The HOG Kuwait Chapter, makes fake elections, they sign the papers as if there was an election and give it to the HOG in the US as though election was done. Everything was fine before but just the last 2 years, the Harley Davidson shop is playing with it. I am trying to contact them but its just hard to find a way to do it. If you can tell them id be greatfull and ill try calling the Millwake number
I believe that to be a HOG member, you have to have a membership card, and that card will have a membership number. If you don't have a membership card, then you are not a HOG member, and according to HOG rules, you have to have a membership card to be an officer of HOG.
To whom are you referring when you say the Harley-Davidson shop? The local dealer? And who are you having a hard time contacting?
I don't understand.
Just never found a need to join HOG. I live 100 miles from nearest chapter (dealership) and from my research, there is absolutely nothing to benenfit me by paying the $$$ per year to join. If I lived with in reason to a chapter I would probably reconsider.
hello, my husband and i are both h.o.g. members and also belong to our local chapter and both of us are officers. i am the secretary and he is the activities director. you must be a member of national h.o.g. to be a member of a local chapter. there cannot be a chapter without a dealer sponsorship. the dealer must apply to national h.o.g. to start a local chapter. the dealer does have the final say so in the runnings of the chapter and he can also dissolve a chapter without notice to the chapter at his discretion. he can appoint officers or there must be an election(legal) to elect the officers the primary officers are director, assistant director, secretary and treasurer. then there are discretionary officers. the primary officers are usually determined by elections and the discretionary officers are usually by nomination or by appointment. if you are not a member of both national and local hog you cannot hold an officers position. you can only be a guest of a member 3 times then you would be expected to join national and local if you wish to continue participating in h.o.g activities. their are also regional h.o.g. directors as well that one can contact if there are questions or concerns. hope this helps clear up the question. good luck and let us know we can help in anyway.
If it is that big of a hassle, why on earth do you want to be a part of it or even care. Just go ride with your riding buds and forget about them. Life is too short for this......:s
Have bad HOG chapters at both dealers here in the UAE also, they run it the way they want and wonder why most Expats won't ride or surpport them. Been a member for years but stop being one since being over here, ride with other people.