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Hot in Florida

Jeez, Smitty...maybe I should move up there to get my bike to run cooler, forget the oil cooler, TFI and fan...just move to Wisconsin in the winter time. Did I mention mid 60s and sunny tomorrow here???????? Semper Fi, my brother!!
Hey brother, we are gonna get down to the mid 30s tonight here in Florida. Friad I can't spare any of the sunshine....gotta keep it down here..
Hey brother, we are gonna get down to the mid 30s tonight here in Florida. Friad I can't spare any of the sunshine....gotta keep it down here..

Thought I heard somewhere you folks in some of Florida may see a heavy frost maybe even a freeze in the next day or so!!
Yup. Getting a littly nippy down here (Jacksonville). Supposed to drop into the mid to upper 20's tonite. This coming Saturday, Rolling Thunder is having the 2nd Annual Scott Speicher Memorial Ride. Expected 19° in the early AM. Stands up at 11:00. Hopefully the heat will be on by then.
That's why we got up the Saturday after Christmas... drizzling rain..foggy.. 45 deg. Had another 10 days off and decided we needed some sunshine and warm weather. Rode to Jacksonville Fla. and spend the night. Next day got up and arrived the next afternoon after lunch in Tampa... 82 deg. Just a 4 day trip... 1220 miles but well worth the ride to remember what 80+ deg feels like in December.:D
I have to deliver to Sudbury tommorow temp -35 Definately going to leave that diesel running till I get home to a balmy -10:(
I am amazed at how well this new equipment starts in cold. If this was 10 years ago some of this stuff would not even start pluged in with weather like this.
I started a new 924H Cat the other day when it was 10 degrees and it only turned the engine a couple times and fired right up. Same with the newer case 531's run the glow plugs twice and hit the key they strart.
I remember letting trucks a nd equipment run all day and night to be sure we had it ready to go. Or getting a couple men on over night to go start them every hour.

My truck is running an older International I'll leave it running so I can:s get home