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HOG members

My local HOG chapter gives me 10% off of random stuff...its like a HOG grab bag. They dont make it known as to what it is you can get, you just get it and then you find out you can receive 10% off. Its usually on socks, G-strings, and kids toys. Three things I dont need.

They do have this HOG chapter appreciation night once a year where everything in the store (except bikes) is 20%, they bring out music, free food, the works. That was pretty cool, but I'd rather have the discount all year long. I'm greedy.
I'm a Hog member and have never heard of a discount, I will check on that. You also don't have to have a new bike to be a member you just dole out the cash to National Hog and then your local chapter.
I get 10% as a HOG member at our nearest dealer Riders of Bridgewater.As a chapter member(I'm not)I believe they get 15-20% of most stuff.
WOW i am a new HOG and Chapter member and I didn't know some of the dealers did this, I am going to check into it. See I told you this site was great.:bigsmiley24:
No HOG discount in Annapolis, Md. They stopped and went to some points system they borrowed from Mike's in Delaware. You get a point for every dollar you spend and that amounts to 5% off of a future purchase. They give you points for rides and attending meetings, but it is not that great of a deal.

So I just go to The Ocean City, Md. dealer, they just give me a discount because they want some business and know list price is a little ridiculous.

I guess all dealers are different.

Ride safe!
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Not all HD dealerships give any discount. HOG memeberships do not require or promise they will. If your dealer won't deal, here is a link to 20% off anything HD sells from an authorized HD dealership. There is shipping, but on big products it is well worth your while. Click on the shop online / price quote with any HD part number for your discounted price. I have used them multiple times. Genuine HD parts from a HD dealership.

Hope this helps.
Not all HD dealerships give any discount. HOG memeberships do not require or promise they will. If your dealer won't deal, here is a link to 20% off anything HD sells from an authorized HD dealership. There is shipping, but on big products it is well worth your while. Click on the shop online / price quote with any HD part number for your discounted price. I have used them multiple times. Genuine HD parts from a HD dealership.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, That link just saved we almost $250 and that is including the shipping. That is now part of my favorites...:newsmile093: :cheers

I get 10% off at my dealer (local chapter member). Some dealers around the country will give you 5 to 15% off if you are a member of a local chapter, some don't.
I checked on a discount yesterday and was told with 400 hog members in the chapter they would go broke. Instead the dealer buys dinner for the chapter every once in a blue moon.