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dont know what motor i have. so cant order parts. its in a custom frame and low front of motor has this number on it BC13j5274. please help

that # is on both cranckcases
Maybe on the belly pan, but I doubt it show a picture of the left side of crank case, if it has a lower case j it is NOT a Harley case I have ever seen
I could be wrong but it appears all of the post trying to prove the point missed the mark of trying to help the OP. The HDT forum has always been a place where anyone could come and get helpful information without the "extra" stuff found on other forums. We all need to remember this is not a competition it is a team effort and we can all learn something from each problem that is presented. This is just my opinion and I only offered it when it seems that the OP has left the building.
I could be wrong but it appears all of the post trying to prove the point missed the mark of trying to help the OP. The HDT forum has always been a place where anyone could come and get helpful information without the "extra" stuff found on other forums. We all need to remember this is not a competition it is a team effort and we can all learn something from each problem that is presented. This is just my opinion and I only offered it when it seems that the OP has left the building.
Indeed I was part of that and I was part wrong and admit it