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Well in Canada it's illegal to ride without a helmet. It's actually even illegal to ride a pedal bike without a helmet. But before this law came into effect, I always wore a helmet. As much as I hate helmet hair, I really couldn't ride without one. A friend of mine was riding and lost control of his bike when he hit a patch of gravel that was completely hidden. The medics and doctor said it was his helmet that saved him. I think it's best not to tempt fate.
No helmet law here and I do choose not to wear one I think it is due to growing up in a state that made me wear one.:)
I live in Canada where it is the law to wear a helmet. Im not sure what the penalty is for not wearing one though. If it wasnt for the law, (and cold weather at this time of year) I wouldnt wear a helmet most of the the time. I cant wait to get the time to take a trip to the states and let my hair blow in the wind!
Get this! here in michigan the police have ben doing seat belt enforcement zones this week, click it or ticket they say just another way for a broke state to raise cash [ anybody reading this that lives here knows what i mean ] then on the other hand there is a proposal at the state capitol to allow biker's to pay a fee that would allow them to not wear a helmet, sound screwey? what about paying a fee so you can drive your car without wearing a seat belt? another example of government geting in your buisness...
we have to wear a helmet by law and if we get caught with out a helmet its fine time and if we keep doing it they will eventually send us to Jail, but here is the kicker if you have a side car the passenger does not have to where a helmet but the rider does, and if you have a trike be it car or bike powered no helmet is required at all.
And you also can not own a firearm brother! todd... home of the free, at least for now.
It is has been compulsory here in England since the early 70's, unless you are a Sikh, then you are exempt because the turban head wear is regarded as integral to their faith. I couldnt even think about riding without one owing to a few intimate moments with Tarmac. Just doesnt feel right at all. Oh,and seat belts are compulsory too (not on a bike tho')
Bob, interesting subject. I agree we have to wear one here, so may I with respect ask what kind of helmet HD owners use? I have a HD cruiser helmet DOT OK, but probably illeagal in the UK, I just think a full face looks odd on a HD.

G'day all,

We have helmet laws & seat belt laws in all states in australia. I never even think about not wearing my seatbelt, it has become habitual to put it on when you get in the car. Also if you have passengers, the driver is responsible for making sure they all are wearing their seat belts or he / she gets the fine. besides if you dont buckle up the car starts making a horrrible beeping noise until you do.

On the helmet front, I would love to ride just once without a lid, but I really feel that id be tempting fate too much to ride without it.

Over here if you ride a Harley Davidson most people wear a matt black open face lid.

We have a helmet law here in NC, but I would wear my helmet anyways, for the protection. I can be as careful as I want but most people are idiots, and anything could happen while I am out on the road. I wear a half helmet in when it's warm, and have a fullface that I use when it gets a bit cooler.