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Helmet use (What's your Opinion)?

There is no doubt that a helmet is a good idea! They should, however, be a matter of choice. We do still live in America.
There seems to be a diverse opinion, but I have to disagree with a few of you. I look cool and awesome in a helmet. But thats just me. :bigsmiley8::bigsmiley8:
Here in Colorado helmets are not requiered :26:

I use a helmet when am going on long ride on the Interstate.
Most of my friends dont use them and look down on people that do.
I dont care what they think, It keeps the wind from hurting my ears:15:, I rather use a helmet than earplugs.:)
I think a helmet should be a choice, I wear one on long trips, but when I am in town, just going to the store and back, I dont wear one. I think it should be a judgement call on the rider.

But then again, Im the kindof person that puts his seatbelt over the back of the seat and clicks it so the dinger will stop annoying me.:bigsmiley12:
There's a very good article in the current issue of RoadRUNNER magazine that talks about this subject. It's an interview with a surgeon who rebuilds faces. He is also a Harley rider. The upshot is that he strongly advocates wearing a helmet. He goes so far as to say that he has never had a patient who was wearing a full-face helmet at the time of the crash. The helmet did its job. I don't like full-face helmets because it gets so hot here in Texas but that statement sure made me stop and think.

I'm also going to throw in a personal thought here. I worked the streets as a paramedic for 26 years. I saw a lot of trauma and the aftermath of trauma. By aftermath I mean what happens to victims and families in the days, weeks, months, and sometimes years after the initial incident. I've read a lot of posts here about how wearing a helmet should be a matter of choice. Maybe it should be. But not wearing a helmet is a very selfish choice unless you don't have anyone who cares about you. Sure, we're bikers. We are free and independent. We are wild and love taking risks. Well, Brother, that sounds real good and would make a great epitaph on a tombstone but what about the people who are affected by what we do? I've been there when the ER doc had to tell a mother, wife, or girlfriend that their loved one is gone. I worked one motorcycle accident where the biker and his girlfriend went down on some gravel in a curve. According to witnesses, the bike was going about 20 mph. Neither person was wearing a helmet. He lived. She didn't because of head trauma. He has to live with that memory every day of his life. I've seen families financially ruined because of huge medical bills caused by motorcycle accidents. Head and/or spinal injured patients can be the worst because the bills go on for years. These patients are often bed-confined and require near-constant care. Not much fun in that for anyone.

My point here is that there is a difference between being free and independent and taking unnecessary risks. I skydived in my younger years. Jumping was a calculated risk and one heck of a lot of fun. But you never saw me jump without a reserve chute even though I never had my primary fail to open. A helmet is a lot like that reserve chute, you probably don't need it but when you do...

I live where there is no helmet law. If there was a law I would wear it without a doubt. I hardly ever wear one, but I know I should. As far as looking cool goes, I am so far past that it is not an issue with me. In fact I have respect for those who do wear one. It is all about comfort for me. If I ever go down I will find out what uncomfortable really is. I have plans to buy a couple, but I have had those plans for a few years. Maybe this summer........ If you don't mind the helmet, wear it.
I live in Texas and a helmet is optional. That being said I have 3 helmets and use each one of then depending on weather and my mood. High winds and crummy weather, I use the full face. Normal Texas weather I'll use the full face. Really hot weather and I use the half helmet. I always carry 2 helmets. Never go anywhere without one on. If I have a passenger I insist they wear one. I look at it kind of like a seat belt. Never move without it on.
:toungeTo each there own. If you look at the reports out there.
There is not one helmet that can withstand any NTSB test over 14 MPH. If you hit somthing at 50 MPH or more it's like haveing a 700 pound weight on your head. Also if you spend 200 for a helmet. And it falls off your bike your supposed to get a new one. If you check with your local D.O.T. Ask them for a list of approved helmets. The only thing a helmet is going to do is keep you from getting your head cracked open. your still going to have Dame Braneage. From your brain smacking around inside your skull. Just look at Dale Eranhart. Skull base fracure. from the weight of the helmet. moving forward then the sudden stop. check with your local A.B.A.T.E. Chapter for more info.
It is a given fact that there are situations where a helmet will not save your life. It's also known that in some situations the helmet will increase the chance of spinal damage. In both those cases you will probably be dead. Period. The bottom line is that beyond a certain point and in certain situations the helmet will not save you because the trauma to the rest of your body will be lethal. There are some things that are beyond our control. What wearing a helmet is about is controlling the risk to the extent that we can. Those "facts" from ABATE only go so far. The rest is that most motorcycle accidents take place when a cage driver turns in front of a bike. The average impact speed, given braking by the biker, is 20 mph. With a helmet you have a chance. Without a helmet you have next to none.
