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Heel or toe shift??

I use the heel shifter all the time. I feel more comfortable using it, then trying to get the toe of my boot under the shifter. Once you get used to it you'll like it.
Toe. I took the floor boards and heal shifter off my Fatboy and replaced them with forward controls and heal rests. Couldn't figure out what to do with my feet when I came to a stop and was fumbling around; they lasted long enough for a demo ride and had the dealer remove them before I picked up the bike.
Heres what I did. I lowered the toe shifter so that it was just above my running board. Then I rotated the heal shifter so that it's facing forward and above the toe shifter enough so my foot can fit between the two.


Now I can shift up or down without my foot leaving the running board. All I have to do is toggle between the two shifters. Took alittle getting used to but now it works real well, especially in alot of traffic. All though I do get some strange looks when people notice it.
I wish the heel/toe shift would work cause all my riding boots have a black worn spot on the right side of my left boot. I cant seem to get it to work comfortably for me. It's like my legs are too long and my feet are too big.
I prefer the toe shifter mostly because I'm use to that from past bikes. I tried the heel shifter when I test rode the Ultra and didn't feel comfortable with it. I wear steel toes work boots, so marks on the toe don't bother me any.

I like your idea there Geezer, I might just give that a try.
Well, after reading what you two wrote, I don't know what to think. I started out with a tank shift and a foot clutch, then went to a right side foot shift on several differnt bikes, so my feets is so confused they don't know what to do.
Maybe that explains why I fall down a lot!!
Have same issue, new bike and first heal shifter. Lots of years without and was just going to bag it. Now I may give it an honest try just in case I ever own a nice pair of boots.
First bike. tried the heel shifting thing. Immediately didn't like it so I took it off. bought the button that goes on the end of the shaft to cover the exposed spline. And an added benefit is if I lose or break the toe shift lever, I got a spare!
I never had a heel shifter before my 06 FLSTC, Even on the 80/80 FLH, just a toe. The heel shifter on the 06 just got in the way, so I removed it and installed the chrome cover.