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HD decals over new paint job?

I think it will look awesome and maybe decals will take something away from that. jmo . depends on the decal though.
Bought a pair of these this morning but may think about what you guys have said. Sorry you can't enlarge the pic now cuz they were the last 2 he had.
8.5 " long and 1 5/8" wide. Thanks for all the advice and input! Doug
Got my rear fender on this morning and looks awesome! 61 y/o and like a kid at Christmas. Go figure...
Harley Davidson Medium "B & S Tribal Flame" O/S Decal

decal comes off the whire part.
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If you are set on decals then I would put them on so they stay on.
First wet sand the tank with 900 grit paper,clean and dry.
apply the decals and allow to dry for a day.
Use a tack cloth to remove dust from tank.
then apply a urethane clearcoat over the whole tank.


You will need some kind of clearcoat covering the decals.
IMO, you will ruin the look of those tins by trying to add a decal. Add on graphics/emblems that were part of the original design tend to look cheap in my opinion. If this was a solid color it could work, but you already have graphics on there, and anything you add will most likely clash.
Yeah, I am afraid of a "clash" also with flames over flames so I doubt I will put those on now. I'm only out $20 or so and maybe can re-sell them or put em on the car??? I do like your idea Randall about the emblem only. That bike looks BAD!!! As in GOOD! I don't require much in life....jus the coolest looking ride in N. Wi come spring!! Doug
Looks like a very nice paintjob.
As I see it, the only 'problem' is the flame going right where the decal normally sits. How about one of those classy old metal H-D emblems, like this hydra-glide (may be too big to fit between the flames)?

I think it would be too big Karl. Hey, my ancestors (Dad's side) came from Norway. Do you guys really eat lutefisk like some of us Norskie's do here? I really don't like the stuff but pretend I do. LOL! Doug
Love the lefsa though!
I'm with Iceman & Breeze, no decals. paint's too nice. maybe some airbrush as Breeze said. JMO