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Have you CRASHED.....yet?

As I was getting my first bike from my neighbor a local Ma and Pa Harley Dealer ( sold about 10 bikes a year ) he said that he wouldn't sell me one until he taught me a few things first. ( I was only interested in the new 90cc. model, yep, I'm old ) The man took me to a grassy field and showed me how to get out from under a bike as it's falling. He made me practice braking so that you can direct the bike where you hope it will go. He also told me that there were two kinds of Motorcycle riders, those who have been down and those that are going down. I progressed from that little 90cc up to the Superglides in a few carefree years of riding. Then in 1976 it happened to me . March 26th, a beautiful spring day in Upstate New York. I took my brand new 1976 FXE 1200 out for it's first ride. In a S-Curve with a road connection I was doing about 30mph when the cage just turned in front of me. I saw it coming but there wasn't enough time to avoid hitting him. I slammed the rear brake and turned the bars hard left. I let the rear wheel come out, then hit the front brake hard. She went down and slid out from under me and to the left.
Me, I Hit him right in the passenger side door almost head first. The police said I did almost $2000.00 worth of damage to the side of his car with my helmet. The bike was skidding off to the left so when I became part of his car, it continued along the roadway thereby saving me it's momentum and inertia. I woke up in the road and first thought it was a dream, until I saw that machine laying on it's side down the road. My leather jacket sleeve got caught on his hubcab extentions and I got a "severely twisted fracture of the upper arm just above the elbow.It took 11 months to get the arm fixed up. The only thing I can say is that when it happens it happens fast. Ride like it's going to happen and you ride safe. Show off .....well, youtube is full of those fellas. I stayed off bikes for almost 30 years ....until I saw the new Softail Custom. Now, I'm always looking at the other drivers ...I know they're not looking at me.
When I was a kid riding dirt bikes I ate plenty of dirt.

It's not if it'll happen, but when.

Ride like you have some sense and you'll improve your chances of staying upright.
No and Hopefully never will!! but stuff happens. Ive had a close call and I almost droped it once but so far so good
I was on the back of one in 82 that sent the driver on a nice little Helicopter ride to E.R.
He broke his thigh and shoulder and other functional body parts {until impact}.Alcohol was the main factor! Ive also piled up alot in my younger days while Dirt biking.Although It seems that Hot Dogging and acting a fool was the main cause of all these!!
Dropped it, Crashed it, are hopefully walk aways. It's the ACCIDENT that get's ya. It's that jerk in the cage talking on the cell phone while turning left right in front of ya. Those are the one's we say CRASHED... NO NOT YET!! :(
I crashed hard once. It was a dirt bike but on the pavement. I was on my way to the dirt when I hit one of those concrete blocks they have in parking lots for the cages to park against. Just clipped it with the front wheel at 47 mph(fast as that bike would go). I was on the ground sliding before I knew I was falling. Had levi jeans, and jacket and helmet. They were all trashed but I just had a few minor scrapes. That was in '72. knock on my wooden head, haven't dropped or laid one down since.
Yes after 35 years on two wheels I have had more than I care to remember! The reason most people go down is rider mistake. I think that once you have so many miles you quit counting you get to know whats going on around you. I can usually look at a driver and say "that dumb.... is going to pull out". What got me the last time was a deer that was just all of the sudden bouncing its head off my fairing. Couple broken ribs, sprained ankle, bruise the size of a basketball on my side and a lot of missing skin.
It does (edit) that most people think you will crash. I just hope for you that IF you do go down that its just a fall and not a crash.
Good luck and try to remember to keep the rubber side down!
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I got all my wrecks (hopefully) out of the way at an earlier age and cheaper bike.....
Besides, I have a ride bell now.....:57:

I'm hoping the wife bought my bell. I didn't want to buy one. I'm a little leary riding since I read the post about the bells. I want one. I have a lot of Gremlin's that follow me.
I got all my wrecks (hopefully) out of the way at an earlier age and cheaper bike.....
Besides, I have a ride bell now.....:57:

Please note: After (not so) careful experimentation, I have determined that the bell has no effect on fine gravel spread over fresh tar.