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harley davidson made in india

lets see-- since harley gonna start building harleys in India-- cuz we all know the labor rates will be at least 75-85% cheaper i'm sure, i'm confident the motor company will reflect the lower operating costs by slashing the over all price of thier models on the floor by what? at least 40%? man -- look on the bright side -- I BET YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET A SCREAMIN EAGLE ULTRA CLASSIC FOR 14,000 AN SOME CHANGE?
The rover car company had a small car built for them by tata in india the quality of the car was so poor a lot of money had to be spent fixing them all before they could be sold at a loss in the uk rover went bust

welp for the record Willie g. Davidson aint got my vote,, but Karen on the other hand............. an Karen if you see this-- my badboy is faster n yours.......... plus mine has the rarest scallops-- the silver ones.
Let's make sure this remains a civil, on topic discussion.

Any more blatantly political commentary and the thread gets shut down and removed!
Re: Harley opening new assembly plant in

Keep your eyes on the plant in Kansas City.
Harley-Davidson calls for concessions

Thu, 04 Nov 2010 04:22:08 GMT

Harley-Davidson says workers at its Kansas City plant will have to make concessions to keep their jobs.In a release Wednesday, the company said it needed to address “significant cost, efficiency and production flexibility gaps” at the plant, which employs 800, about 675 of them in production.Without changes, the company said, it could
What do you expect, their being taxed out of the country like every other big company in this country. Not just the feds, the state as well. Maybe Smitty will chime in on this? I'll shut up before "POOF" happens.:D
I really hope its for the reasons Harley says, and not just corporate greed, I have this horrible feeling though its the latter of the two. There are so few things left that have not gone overseas, Harley should not be one of them. American Iron made by American Workers should stay in America PERIOD. I just sickens me.... TIm
I really hope its for the reasons Harley says, and not just corporate greed, I have this horrible feeling though its the latter of the two. There are so few things left that have not gone overseas, Harley should not be one of them. American Iron made by American Workers should stay in America PERIOD. I just sickens me.... TIm