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Harley - Coast to Coast on SPEED

She was cute,and she busted the myth that short people can't comfortably ride a dresser
She was also a very experienced professional rider.

Yes, and they never even made it to the east coast, or maybe I fell asleep. It had some good scenery though.
They made it to DC, but technically, you are correct they did not make the coast.

Informercial for sure, but like you say, the scenery was nice.
where did they get those 2 from i mean she was cute he was a dweeb but mostly they were both annoying
You think they really road the 400 miles in the rain? I would have thought it would have added quite a bit of time to their day... Or night... It did show them pulling in at night...
I wanted to see more bikes and more of the factory, a lot more of the factory. Those were also the two most boring people I have ever seen, well except for my 7th grade english teacher and I am sure I never saw that guy's eyes ever focus on anything.
It also would have been nice if the narrator didn't spend all his time trying to sound macho. The one thing that bothers me about HD is that they keep trying to project the image that if you ride a Harley you can chew nails and spit out paper clips. I am just an old man enjoying himself riding a great bike on the country roads. Good grief man, even my wife can beat me up.:33:
I thought the show was a big bore, nothing but a big infomercial.

I have seen better shows on the discovery channel showing the HD factories much more interesting and more detailed.

I would have like to see much more of the country side they supposedly rode through. Didn't really trace their route, but it appears from some of the shots, they rode alot of interstate (more booring).

The last straw that broke the broke the camel's back so to speak what that they had to cover up his tattoe, which I think was fake because the next day he didn't even have a bandage on it, but mixed it up with commercials about pyjama grams and you know what enhancements.

I was most impressed with the radio communications between the two bikes. I've been thinking about such a purchase. Does anyone know what they were using ?
I'm also looking for a com set that's as clear as the one on "Harley Coast to Coast". I figure its Harley brand since everything else they plugged was but could it be something else because they failed to comment on it?
I'm also looking for a com set that's as clear as the one on "Harley Coast to Coast". I figure its Harley brand since everything else they plugged was but could it be something else because they failed to comment on it?

I bet your right its either not harley or they redubbed it
Thats why you only watch 20min. of the program,check out her attributes,then shut it off:D

That's exactly what I do. I listen to her for about 20 minutes, she'll let me know all her attributes, then I'll turn her off and go turn the Harley on. :D