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Oh....I will look in to the HD discount.....Thanks guys..:)

Would you tell me where I my find easy step by step instructions for the mentally challenged on changing bars cables exc ..I try not to ask to many questions...Is it that hard..? You no the show are you smarter than a firth grader...I got kicked off...:)
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Re: One more bar question please

Mat I don't want to make lite of your question but the best place is in the manual.
Re: One more bar question please

Ok sorry.....I just do better seeing it done....I guess I'm just worrying about it to much
I'm thinking about 13 in ape and I want to make the install as easy as I can because I it will be my first time....The kit I like is 899.00 and I think I still would need to by the grips..Also my 6 mounth will be up soon and I'm hoping there is a download of a install on here....My shoulders hurt when I ride and I think these will make me more comfortable and look cool :)..I do my service and have worked on cars but never done aneything like this.....If I thought I could get this done in a day I would do it soon and not wait for winter........899.00 is a lot of money....

Good lord are you buying new switches and master cylinder also ? Why so much money ? I just put a set of Wild1s 10" high straight up Tbars for $200. I had 10" OEM apes before so the wires and cables are all ok. You're jumpin up mighty high from the bars in your avatar. Not trying to talk you out of it, but if you are just looking for comfort make sure you sit on one with the bars you want first.

I've always liked the way drag bars handle from way back when I was young. I kinda wished I had bought 8" high ones now that I have them, but the 10" ones will be ok. ANY HIGH BARS YOU BUY MAKE SURE YOU go buy grade 8 riser bolts at Ace or Fastenal to install them with. The OEM bolts are not grade 8 and those high bars create a lot of torque on the bolts and some have broken. Also you would be prudent with high bars to install heavy duty riser bushings.

By the way if you want my old OEM 10" mini apes I will give them to you, just pay shipping. You will still need wiring and cable extensions.
Good lord are you buying new switches and master cylinder also ? Why so much money ? I just put a set of Wild1s 10" high straight up Tbars for $200. I had 10" OEM apes before so the wires and cables are all ok. You're jumpin up mighty high from the bars in your avatar. Not trying to talk you out of it, but if you are just looking for comfort make sure you sit on one with the bars you want first.

I'm with RWB on this even though I havent changed any bars but $899.00 and you think you still have to buy the grips!!!!!????? What is the kit your looking at????????
Re: One more bar question please

Ok sorry.....I just do better seeing it done....I guess I'm just worrying about it to much

Maybe try You tube, seems everything is there now days:s
Re: One more bar question please

Ok sorry.....I just do better seeing it done....I guess I'm just worrying about it to much

No need for the apology !!! But HDDon and Jack have you covered here. One more thought is go thru the Self help & video sections here on HDT and see if there is anything there also you might Google "handle bar change out".
Thank you all...:)

I here you guys.....Thats more than I can spend..Before I do this Like RWB said I need to find a bike with bars I like...I went to the HD shop after work I sat on a new heritage and thay are still to low ...Thay didn't have a bike with apes but I have a nother HD shop to check with...That kit was with everything but 899.00 is way more than I can afford..In the mean time I need to study the task and just use my controles....Thank you for your offer RWB....I best do some more thinking about this..All I know is even with the rizer I put on Im reaching for the bars and need bars higher and back...It takes the fun out of riding when you hert after a hour or so:(....Thanks Guys
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Re: One more bar question please

Thank you all...:)
. . . . . . . .
I went to the HD shop after work I sat on a new heritage and thay are still to low ...Thay didn't have a bike with apes but I have a nother HD shop to check with.
. . . . . . . .
In the mean time I need to study the task and just use my controls. Thank you for your offer RWB .... I best do some more thinking about this. All I know is even with the rizer I put on Im reaching for the bars and need bars higher and back...It takes the fun out of riding when you hurt after a hour or so:(....Thanks Guys

Matt some shops (some Indy's too) have a frame model that you can sit on and they can install different bars for you to test. You can also sit on your bike with your hands in the position that feel comfortable to you and have your wife measure straight vertically up from the riser to a parallel height of your hands (rise) and then straight horizontally back from the risers to directly below you hands (pullback) to find the rise and pullback you need.

Most all bars list their rise and pullback dimensions. Of course this is not as good as actually sitting on one. I've ridden bikes where you have to lean forward quite a bit and I know what back pain you are talking about. But you can also get back pain from sitting too far back (without a seat support). I find the best compromise is to lean just a tad forward.

Additionally getting bars too narrow (hand spread not wide enough) can cause the shoulder muscles to hurt after awhile. The Fat Bob (not Boy) drag bars were too narrow for me. My Wild1s are 30 1/2 inches with no grips installed. Keep in mind you can tilt (provided you have bars that mount into risers) a bar forward or back some for further adjustment after you find a height to suit you. That will adjust both rise and pullback some each way.

My Tbars cannot tilt since they have no risers and mount directly to the riser bolts. Again (unless your newer model has permanent hard mounted tree risers) you need to install the heavy duty riser bushings and grade 8 bolts for higher bars.

I have filmed most of my handlebar install (including the wiring) but I haven't had time to edit it yet (where most of the work is). And I'm still doing other stuff to the bike, but will have a handlebar video for you in a week or so. Also study all those links Don and Tank gave, you will start to get a overall picture. Today I'm giving my back a rest. Had too much goin on round my house lately (and not just bike mods either), too long a story for here.

Best of luck on your bars and anytime you have a question you can pm me or my email is also on my profile. Later........Dave