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Junior Member
i joined hog a few min ago for the parts discount and the roadside service
i knew about these benifits/ what all benifits are there i don't know about?
H.O.G membership also allows you to join the local HOG Chapter, which if it's like the group I belong to, a great group of people who love to ride and have fun. My chapter also gets a larger discount if we participate in chapter functions.
When you get your membership package it will have all the info on benefits, or you can go to the HOG website HERE

One of my favorites is the HOG tent at major events, pick up an event pin and get a cool drink (water etc.) and a place to rest in the shade for a while.
Thats really about it. I got it when I bought my bike and may keep it for the road service/towing. I like the magazine too. I don't wear the patch as I'm not into all the HD black, leather, patch stuff. The local chapter around here are just a bunch of bar hoppers so I don't belong to that either, mostly ride solo, or with a couple friends. I have heard there are some very cool chapters though.
I'll get my free year membership when I get back from deployment and pick up my bike in February. hope they have good chapters in the Milwaukee area. I was a member of a GWRRA group that always went for a short ride for ice cream and burgers after a meeting. Didn't stay a member long.
There are some other little perks of the national membership. Every year you'll get a touring manual. They also sponsor some ride log kinda contests. so many miles, so many states etc.. Plus they have some bike theft recovery incentives. Your membership package will spell it all out for you.
As far as I know you don't get a discount from the National HOG. Most of the discounts I know of are from your local chapters sponsoring dealer.
Remember that if a dealer give it's HOG members a discount, it's totally up each individual dealership, so don't expect to get it at every shop if you're on the road. Some give all HOG members a discount ranging from 5% to 20%. Others will look at you like your a crazy guy or something.

Local dealer here has a V.I.P. card for $50 bucks! So, after the first $500 bucks, you break even, then you save 10% after that. And it's for anyone that wants to buy the card. (Not a HOG thing)