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H-D Electric Motorcycle

I'm not too keen on battery powered vehicles. It is more destructive making high tech batteries like lithium polymer than it is running a gas engine. Hydrogen fuel cell needs to be researched more.
Electrics are limited in range.
Geared to city folk and eco-bar-hoppers.
Recharging isn't like pulling up in a gas station and back on the road in 15 minutes.
Better find a friend who will let you charge at his/her house if low because you won't find many outlets geared to electric vehile charging.
Electricity costs money.
Distance traveled will be limited.
Can't see it on a trip through the SW desert area.

Gotta agree, for now they are a very much targeted to short hoppers. Will not do for those who prefer day-long rides in the 300 mile and up range as well as 2-up riding.
I'd give one a try but they'd have to move the foot pegs forward as my knees can't take that sport bike position. Now if they could make the fenders do double duty as solar chargers and make the charge good for a minimum of 300 miles with a 15 minute recharge time, it could have some possibilities.:newsmile024:

But then again, they will take all the fun out of picking exhausts or discussing what oils and fuel processors to use. I don't care if it sounds like a jet, I'd really miss the purr of my V-twin.:D
I applaud HD for the effort. They can embrace their heritage while, looking towards the future.

I'm still skeptical for all the reasons most are. The tree huggers still haven't convinced me electricity can be affordable and clean. Rate seem to increase like crazy. The radio keeps telling me to conserve to avoid black or brown outs. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of power plans that burn coal or gas or nuclear. Hard to tout the eco friendliness there.

But, if HD can make it appealing. Fun. Affordable. I say why not? They should be the brand that can move new tech forward and show some North American can do.

So, I'll keep some interest in the progress. My next HD will likely be air cooled and build for touring. lol
I wonder if it has to do with emissions? If Harley can sell a few of these to counterbalance the emissions from the air cooled bikes they could keep selling the ones we all love and still make the EPA happy. I say go for it. All this is just a numbers game anyway. You just have to find a way to make the government number crunchers happy. :grose
Like them or not, they're coming. Probably still several years off until they start really showing up on the road but they are an option.