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I use goggles since I need to wear glasses when I drive. The googles I got are called Spider and have been really good. They come with two lenses smoked and clear. I use to just wear riding glasses but at night I can't see very far without my prescription glasses.
I have wiley-x with prescription and transitions that have removeible foam, I found I got no wind without the foam so I don't use it.:newsmile045::newsmile034::newsmile108:
There are a lot of options out there. Get somewhere you can try a variety of shades (state or national rally) I use Wilye X glasses have a dark pair and a clear pair. work very well except in the rain (fogging) i keep a pair of wrap around clear safety glasses for that. The expensive glasses are worth the difference in price. (I know there are those that only buy the 10 dollar shades) Wife took a rock right in the middle of a pair of Wilye X glasses, We dreve about 40 miles to find another pair.
Trust me, you do not want to use polarized lenses. If you tilt your head or light hits the road at low angles, you will not see tar snakes, oil slicks or water etc. I found the yellow lenses work the best...both at night and during the day which was pretty surprising. I have used Solar Shades, which are around $20 and fit over my perscription glasses. For long term comfort rides during daylight or night, I use Guard Dogs with interchangeable lens and are about $45-$50 US (they were for sale at local HD dealer, as vendor had tent with samples on display at their summer bashe last year).

I agree on the yellow tint. I use them on overcast/foggy days as well as at night. It's amazing how much better you can see with them on a day that's not bright sunlight.
I have prescription glasses and have tried the sun glasses that fit over them and goggles and all just seem to heavy for my likes. Anymore I just wear my prescription glasses with the transitional lenses that get real dark. I snap the little side shields on them and with the windshield they work pretty good. I may not look all that cool, but I can see.