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Gauge resettling

so it looks like your amber light came on just a little early....better than late...or you filled the tank too full.
I've read several reports on octane boost, and it wasn't good. Most experts say it's a waste of money and it doesn't raise octane levels like they claim on the bottle.

I tried it in my scoot while on the way to Sturgis because the best we could find in South Dakota was was 89 octane. made no difference, scoot pinged like crazy.
I should have clarified small bottle of fuel treatment.......... I have never tried octane boost.
so it looks like your amber light came on just a little early....better than late...or you filled the tank too full.

What's too full? I ran ride to a point let idle till
Started to sputter and put 5 gallons in it. Right to brim( flush it filling hole and smaller breather hole ).
And another thought. You are filling your bike up on kickstand so when full to brim, lifting bike off stand and setting level full at that point will not be up to brim.........
If I take it off kickstand then it's almost overflowing out fills the area were the cap screws in at about 3/4 of the way up.