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Full face ?

I wear a modular full face until it gets too hot and humid and then switch to a 3/4. I also wear a textile, mesh jacket with body armor and Draggin' jeans with Kevlar. Doesn't matter much what I'm wearing - my bike makes me look cool no matter what!
I've been pondering the same these past few weeks, I have the kevlar hybird helmet now, and I like it but was looking at modular or full face, i kind of like the fighter pilot style with dropdown sun visor and the clear visor for bugs and night...
I'LL be checkin this one......what full face/ modulars are people wearing too
I started riding in the Easy Rider "in the wind" days & still enjoy the feeling. 3/4 open face for me, winter or summer & if the law would go away it would be some kind of leather cap to keep my ears covered & warm.
Several years ago I wore a full face helmet all the time, but that was when I rode Hondas and Yamahas. When I got my first HD, I thought "Full face helmets aren't cool" so I quit wearing it. I wore a half-helmet for a long time (and still do around town.) I ride to Montana every year to visit my son, who is in the Air Force. Any time I'm on the highway (or traveling long distance) I wear a full face. So much more protection, helps with wind noise, and like others have mentioned, in the rain they are so much better.
Thanks dudes, saftey trumps looks.
Anyone know about the The Reevue full face that allows you to see behind you, like a rear view mirror in a car.
I will be honest most of the time i dont wear one at all. I have a modular i wear when its cold out and when harvest starts. I am getting a 3/4 here shorrly. Love my modular when it rains.
I have both-an open face with a flip up/down visor and a race Arai Full Face which i wear 90% of my riding time.

Interestingly enough,one of my Brothers(who likes to look 'cool')went from his H-D Shorty helmet to a Full Face Modular.He got sick of Bugs and rocks and other bits and pieces in his teeth.As an ex-Dirt bike racer you'd have thought he'd know better.

The other Brother uses a Full Face only.
Any time I'm on the highway (or traveling long distance) I wear a full face. So much more protection, helps with wind noise, and like others have mentioned, in the rain they are so much better.

yup I agree on that one! any trip longer than 60 miles I like a full face:cheers
For me, I don't ride for "looks" it's all about "safety & comfort." I'll take FF over open-face any day...especially if you've seen the after-math of a m/c spill (God forbid). I'm a former EMT (USAF) and asphalt + face = cosmetic surgery...
I use a full face and modular, plus all the riding gear, don't leave home without it. Ditto on looking like a sport bike rider, I also have a Triumph.